Wikipedia Co-Founder Says It Is an Instrument of the CIA, FBI and other US Intelligence Agencies

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger, Wiki
Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia, told journalist Glenn Greenwald that the site he helped found in 2001 has become an instrument of “control” in the hands of the left-liberal establishment, among which he counts the CIA, FBI, and other US intelligence agencies. In 2007, Virgil Griffith developed a program called WikiScanner that could trace the location of computers used to edit Wikipedia articles, and found that the CIA, FBI, and a host of large corporations and government agencies were scrubbing the online encyclopedia of incriminating information. “The left very deliberately seeks control”, Sanger said. “And it’s not just the Left. We’re learning that now. It’s the Establishment, and they have their own agenda.”


Wikipedia is one of many tools used by the US liberal establishment and its allies in the intelligence community to wage “information warfare,” the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Speaking on Greenwald’s ‘System Update’ podcast, Sanger lamented how the site he helped found in 2001 has become an instrument of “control” in the hands of the left-liberal establishment, among which he counts the CIA, FBI, and other US intelligence agencies.

“We do have evidence that, as early as 2008, that CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia,” he said. “Do you think that they stopped doing that back then?” 

Activity by the CIA and FBI on Wikipedia was first made public by a programming student named Virgil Griffith in 2007. Griffith developed a program called WikiScanner that could trace the location of computers used to edit Wikipedia articles, and found that the CIA, FBI, and a host of large corporations and government agencies were scrubbing the online encyclopedia of incriminating information.

CIA computers were used to remove casualty counts from the Iraq War, while an FBI machine was used to remove aerial and satellite images of the US prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. CIA computers were used to edit hundreds of articles, including entries on then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, China’s nuclear program, and the Argentine navy.

Some edits were more petty, with former CIA chief William Colby apparently editing his own entry to expand his list of accomplishments.

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1 year ago

Not only US intelligence agencies. It is used to try to rewrite history. Here is a little example: Carney, the ex-head of the Bank of England, made a remark about “Chicken Licken” with regard to the sky falling in, as an analogy to the then banking crisis. Now, it was Chicken Little who cried out about the sky falling in. But suddenly, Wikipedia had an entry about “some say Chicken Licken”… Nonsense of course, but entered just for the guy to save face when he didn’t know what he was talking about, and mixed up fried chicken with an old… Read more »

Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
1 year ago


Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
1 year ago

The audacity of Wikipedia to be soliciting donations from its users for a dollar or two is part of the information warfare psyop as they try to portray Wikipedia as a grassroots online encyclopedia of the regular people. If they need funding, let them get it from the CIA and FBI.

1 year ago

All I use it for is USA demographics. Period.

joe in Missouri
joe in Missouri
1 year ago

Who is the rocket scientist that figured this one out?

David Nelson
David Nelson
1 year ago

I appreciate the honesty here. Thank you 🙏

1 year ago

“PROOF” We Are Lied To continuously for at least 70+ Years🔥😡⚔️⚖️ Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961: “We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I’d carry on with them”For the Next time you tell someone the News is run by the CIA and they call you a conspiracy theorist.