Representative Thomas Massie Introduces Legislation to Audit the Federal Reserve


G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, has responded by saying: "I enthusiastically support this bill because it could bring to light so many unconstitutional activities that we instinctively know are commonplace at the Fed but cannot prove. But I am concerned that the government may do what it usually does in such cases, which is that it investigates itself, takes so long to do so that the public eventually loses interest, eventually it publishes a 2,000 page book of meaningless minutia, and concludes that, aside from a few minor infractions of the law by low-level personnel, everything is fine.

So, I strongly urge Representative Massie and others with influence over this investigation to ensure that all the appointed members of the investigating committee once again declare allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and can prove that they are familiar with Article One that defines the limitations on the issuance of money. Another wise provision would be to require that no more than 50% of the appointees may be dependent on government funding as their primary livelihood income. Furthermore, all actions, documents, and substantive conversations between investigators and/or witnesses should be recorded and, within 24 hours of occurrence, published online for public access. There should be a hard deadline of no more than four months to produce and publish the unredacted findings of the committee. To make this meaningful, it also should include the clear statement that there can be no exceptions to this rule including the claim of national security, for the simple reason that full transparency in matters of this magnitude is essential for national security.

Many politicians will most likely not be willing to endorse such a proposal, but they are the same ones who will do nothing to seriously challenge the Federal Reserve power regardless of the disclosures of the committee. They are talkers, not doers. Their mission is to give us hope, but they will betray us eventually when they fail to support meaningful change. So, let's not play political games any longer. Investigate, yes, But then eliminate! That's our goal, and time to do so is running out!"


Summary by JW Williams from excerpts taken from JBS New American and Thomas Massie

Congressman Thomas Massie reintroduced H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2025, also known as “Audit the Fed.” The bill would require the Comptroller General to conduct a full examination of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Banks.

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"The American public deserves more insight into the practices of the Federal Reserve,” Rep. Massie said. “Behind closed doors, the Fed crafts monetary policies that devalue our currency, slow economic growth, and make life harder for the poor and middle class. The American people benefit when we work to increase government transparency."

H.R. 24, titled the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act,” is cosponsored by 41 other representatives.

In a 2023 interview, Congressman Massie pointed out that if the Federal Reserve were audited, and its secret activities were revealed, it would likely be abolished.

In May 2024, Massie issued this press release that explains that the Federal Reserve is to blame for inflation:

"Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame. During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.

Monetizing debt is a closely coordinated effort between the White House, Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Congress, Big Banks, and Wall Street. Through this process, retirees see their savings evaporate due to the actions of a central bank pursuing inflationary policies that benefit the wealthy and connected. If we really want to reduce inflation, the most effective policy is to end the Federal Reserve."

There was, in fact, a partial audit of the Federal Reserve in 2010, that revealed that the Fed gave over $16 trillion in secret bank bailouts during the Great Recession.

The Federal Reserve’s creation in 1913 remains one of the most egregious violations of the US Constitution. In addition to blatantly violating the Constitution by its very existence, the Fed has the ability to single-handedly manipulate the economy and devalue the US dollar.

sound monetary policy is necessary for a nation’s economy to be stable and enable material prosperity. Already, the Federal Reserve and the Deep State have caused far too much damage through their inflation of the U.S. dollar and issuance of fiat currency. It is imperative that Congress follow the Constitution and put an end to this.

Contact your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to support this important bill.


The New American 

Thomas Massie press release

HR 24 legislation


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Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
1 month ago


1 month ago
Reply to  Milton Farrow

How completely I agree with you! But it would take someone with dictatorial power to enforce something like this. The American public has been lulled to apathy, lack of caring and lots of misinformation by sustained government propaganda.

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago
Reply to  Milton Farrow

WHO would conduct such a review when the law enforcement agencies all the way up to the law makers have all given themselves to the god of mammon, along with the population at large. Catherine Austin Fitts said it was more like 5 to 8 TRILLION as I recall. Did you ever wonder who got that money and how it was spent. It’s no coincidence that this news got lost in the fog of 9/11. No more was said or done about. And the Jewish media was complicit in allowing that story to die. To make a thing disappear, all… Read more »

1 month ago

God bless Rep. Thomas Massie! May this bill pass, may the full truth be known & the Fed & central bank be ended.

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago
Reply to  Dee

Don’t count on it.
Even if they did make a show of it, all they would do is dress the monster up in a different suit and give it another name, like something with “Patriot” in it or “The Act for a Just and Transparent Economic System”. Something a mile long that nobody could remember anyway.

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom Ball
clive blakey
clive blakey
1 month ago

Your first paragraph described perfectly what takes place in your country as well as ours across the pond. Nothing must be allowed to interfere with the system and nothing will change until the the system is completely destroyed. Usury needs to be outlawed, unfortunately those heroic individuals that tried to bring about monetary change were removed, permanently. These central banks are festering boils upon society, just like the vast majority of politicians who are bought, paid and in many cases compromised. For example here in the uk Ivan Caplin one time head of the Labour Friends for 1$rae1 has just… Read more »

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago
Reply to  clive blakey

“Caplin was born in Brighton into a Jewish family[1] and educated at the independent King Edward’s School, Witley and the Brighton College of Technology.

Thanks for further confirming my suspicions.
I’ll bet he gets off in the end with a ‘slap on the wrist’.
He must have really been caught with his pants down to have been cited at all They’ll just drag out the procedure ’til it fades into oblivion or else sentence him a la Epstein or Roman Polanski.

James Osbourne Holmes
James Osbourne Holmes
1 month ago

A Fed audit has been tried before. It failed because the Federal Reserve Bank is not part of either the original actual United States of America or the Corporation USA Inc. It is a private business and therefore immune to outside audit. None of this matters because the USA Inc. is now a client of Israel.

Marti Maurer
Marti Maurer
1 month ago

Ron Paul has been calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve for years.

1 month ago

Well, if you follow this gentleman, he basically wrote The Book on this matter. The only other I would suggest is “The Hegemony of Parasitism and The New World Order” Ustus Mullins. This given me by my “Society wife” and her Harvard professor buddy.

They confirmed much of what I already knew and much more. Much of which, I’d rather not know and in fact, called a cease and desist on. Because, I was there for her and the music, Jazz.

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago
Reply to  JGZ Thanks for turning me on to this guy. Interesting indeed. I hadn’t heard of him so it’s funny how so many people that have no connection to one another can reach the same conclusions independently. The main point I would depart from him on though is his “Appreciation of Hitler”, which I think is uncalled for and counterproductive. People let their anger and frustration get the best of them. It isn’t necessary to resurrect the ghost of Hitler to make the case. It’s clear enough without him. Besides , it gives people the impression that these “theories” are all… Read more »

1 month ago

Hello, Mr. Griffin, I agree that the corruption is astromonical in Washington. But I would disagree that we cannot prove the constitutional violations. Many are simply proveable, because as an example, when the people instructed ( through their constitution ) that the States deal in nothing but gold and silver, (clearly stated in the constitutional contract/compact,) but instead the States comprising the “United States” handed off this entire duty that would have kept our monetary system afloat and with intrinsic value, they worked treason against the people contracting with them. The greatest evidence of proof is simply the “federal reserve… Read more »

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago
Reply to  C.A.

Good analysis. But don’t we need a FORCE assembled capable of prosecuting these violations with the will to do so?
Where is it going to come from. The general public still seems to be in the dark and the powers that control the Federal Government just seem to be willy-nilly tromping all over the which ever parts of the Constitution they want to the way things are now.

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 month ago

“I am concerned that the government may do what it usually does in such cases, which is that it investigates itself, takes so long to do so that the public eventually loses interest, eventually it publishes a 2,000 page book of meaningless minutia,” The killer of JFK CONFESSED and it didn’t make a blip on the news radio. The news media uses the same technique to dispose of “inconvenient truths” while hammering half truths and lies so often that they eventually become accepted as facts. I’m surprised Massie is even making the suggestion. The sold out Congress isn’t going to… Read more »

1 month ago

Why should they be special? All organizations should be audited to be sure no one is above the law and to know just where our money is going.

Olde Reb
Olde Reb
1 month ago

OPERATION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE The narrative TreasuryDirect tells the public is “the federal government borrows money by selling U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and other securities.” For Deficit Spending, the purchase is made with a book-entry of fiat credit identified as Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Fed has no assets, assignable to the government, except that which has been received from the US government. The fiat credit received by the government is transferred to govt suppliers who deposit the vouchers in commercial banks. Inflationary credit is by this means added to the market.… Read more »

moneytalks .
moneytalks .
1 month ago

…” it also should include the clear statement that there can be no exceptions to this rule including the claim of national security, for the simple reason that full transparency in matters of this magnitude is essential for national security.”

Superb observation .

29 days ago

No currency backed by speculation or anything other than a physical, tangible, legal constitutional asset for tender, i.e. gold and silver, will continue to be subject to the elite’s manipulation.

Texas transactional gold fiscal initiative contains the elements for reestablishing a sound financial foundation to the US. Effectively operating electronically using precious metal backed and loaded, two way debit card gold and silver dollars.

Account holders can ongoingly convert to and from paper USD or G/S USD at will, without capital gains, being a constitutional at state level issued, “coin of legal tender.”

-more extensive comments were found here: