Four criminal probes are underway including allegations that he leaned on the federal police to protect his sons, spread falsehoods about the election, and harbored a troll farm peddling disinformation from within his presidential office. He is also under investigation for his concern over the danger of COVID vaccines. It is unlikely that Brazil will try to extradite him as experts say Lula will likely tread carefully for fear of turning Bolsonaro into a martyr.
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/just-bolsonaro-rules-military-intervention-brazil-no-support-institutions-act-lula/
“Brazil was stolen”, and brazilian people was betrayed by the army commanding generals known as “watermelons” (being green conservatives outside and red communi$t$ inside).
bolshevics are in charge
It was similar to what happened in the U.S. after the 2020 election when they told us not worry because THE MILITARY was going to save the day by removing the usurper Biden to put Trump back in there. The communists lie, cheat, and steal to gain control. Then the “good guys” put on a nice show of opposition for a while until they suddenly give up and step aside for the communists.
hovoria o rusku ale pekelnici nam pripravuju vojnu proti mohamedanom LETAK na ulicu If we want to take over the government we have to give the people more than promises. We have to guarantee that our government will not dominate the people but serve the people. The guarantee is going to be given in the form of a declaration signed by every member of the government and every state employee stating that if I betray the nation, if I steal from the nation, if I do anything fraudulent knowingly I do Know and accept there will be only one punishment, death.… Read more »