Mattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology, has studied the psychology of totalitarianism and says that people have been hypnotized into submission through mass hypnosis known as ‘mass formation’. The masses are led to crave a remedy from induced stress, priming them for hypnosis and obedience. Dr. Desmet says that 30% of the people are now deeply hypnotized, 40% are not yet hypnotized but are following the herd, and the remaining 30% are opposed to tyranny. The clear thinkers can persuade the 40% to turn away from totalitarianism.
A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom
The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. But even before the pandemic, social isolation was at a historical high
The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless. The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. This refers to discontent and anxiety that have no apparent or distinct causes
The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause
Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive. A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is for dissenters to join together as one large group, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians. Another is to loudly speak out against the totalitarian regime, as this is how atrocities are limited.
In the video above, Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, reviews the societal conditions under which a population ends up willingly sacrificing their freedom.Desmet, who also has a master’s degree in statistics, discovered peculiar anomalies in statistical analyses done during the COVID pandemic, which made him realize our global society is starting to enter a “mass formation” state, a type of “collective hypnosis” required for the rise of a totalitarian regime.In this Aubrey Marcus podcast interview, Desmet reviews the step-by-step formula that results in this collective hypnosis, and how this formula has been deployed on the global population over the past two years.
Trump campaigned on pledges he would avoid new foreign entanglements and “forever wars,” and polling shows only 15% of Republicans supported the idea of the US using military force to obtain new territory. 53% of Americans want to ending funding the Gaza and Ukraine wars.
USAID was funding over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 “media” NGOs, which includes 90% of the reportage out of Ukraine. USAID and the CIA control foreign elections and have backed child trafficking operations over the US southern border. Both Democrats and Republicans support USAID.
Kat’s article includes a bill from Weather Modification International for $81,707.00 for the month of November 2022 for “Aircraft Seeding Operations”, materials and mobilization. The bill was sent to the Turlock Irrigation District. Kat said that the Tuolumne County Supervisors are clueless about chemtrails.
Betar is a pro-Zionist group. Trump signed an executive order to to deport noncitizen college students who take part in protests considered anti-semitic. Betar USA now claims to be working with ICE! Betar is handing out pagers to its political opponents, which is being interpreted as a threat.
Trump stoked controversy when he said that Palestinians would “love to leave” Gaza – comments which have already been condemned by many pundits as tantamount to an ethnic cleansing campaign. He proposed the the US could ‘own’ the land after the Palestinians are displaced.
Eight FBI officials were fired and several DOJ prosecutors were fired. The acting Attorney General, Emil Bove, wrote in his memo: “I do not believe that the current leadership of the Justice Department can trust these FBI employees to assist in implementing the President’s agenda faithfully.”
Schumer warned Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch of consequences if they ruled against the Democrats on abortion rights. Schumer ranted, “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
The Bill Gates Foundation has awarded $30 million to USAID since 2012. His foundation partners with USAID on nutrition and vaccines, and he is concerned that if USAID is disrupted, “you could have literally millions of deaths.”
Mike Benz said that USAID assists the rogue activities of the CIA, Pentagon and US State Department. USAID gave $27 million to George Soros’ Tides Foundation that funded Black Lives Matter and far-left Democrat local district attorneys in cities across the US who refused to prosecute serious crimes.
If this is true, it means Big Tech and the Obama administration worked together to rig the courts, crush competition, and sell out American innovators—and they did it while China swooped in and profited from stolen US technology.
All of these countries that are contributing to the fentanyl crisis in the US could take steps to choke the supply to mitigate the tariffs. Mexico has become dependent on American exports and tens of billions in remittances; Mexico is likely to capitulate.
Instead of passing a new Constitutional amendment to change the 14th Amendment to stop automatic citizenship of babies on US soil, even if the parents are not citizens and they are in the US illegally, Trump aims to reinterpret a clause in the amendment to no longer apply to large numbers of people that it used to.
Mass deportations have received wide support, with 66% of US citizens backing the policy in light of the border crisis created by the Biden Administration. Current projections indicate 16 million to 20 million illegals currently reside in the US, with up to 10 million entering the country in the past four years alone.
President Trump announced on February 1 that Venezuela has agreed to take back all of its illegal aliens and its violent criminal migrants nabbed in the US — including members of the Tren de Aragua gang wreaking havoc on the Big Apple and other cities.
Trump signed an executive order that prohibits federal funding of K-12 schools that promote critical race theory or radical gender ideology. He signed another executive order that prohibits federal funding and support for irreversible child gender transition “mutilation.”
The United States military carried out precision airstrikes on Islamic State group targets in Somalia on Saturday. ISIS in Somalia has carried out attacks in southern and central parts of the country and funds its operations through extortion, smuggling, and illicit taxation in coastal areas.
The helicopter was flying ‘dark’ near a busy airport and failed to take evasive action despite adept maneuverability. Traffic collision sensors failed. The FAA, for a decade beginning in the Obama era, has been turning away qualified applicants for air traffic control jobs because they were not diverse enough.
Menendez, who was the chairman of the Formerly the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was found guilty on all 16 felony counts that included bribery, acting as a foreign agent (for Egypt and Qatar), and obstruction of justice.
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Anxiety Publishing – providing more satisfying novels to the conscious community, stories based in a real world, not the illusion of the establishment. Promote your precious novel with your fellow authors and help build a collection of future classics.
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Offline is a documentary on the inevitability of the Earth being slammed by a mega solar flare – not the common type that interrupts communications and creates a light show in the Northern skies – but the big brothers thousands of times more powerful. These monsters deliver enough energy to blow apart the master transformers that supply the planet’s energy grids. When that happens, the lights go out for longer than anyone wants to think about. These X-Class solar storms hit the Earth every 150 years, on average. The last one arrived 156 years ago. We are overdue (More)
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Globalists propose restricting individual behavior utilizing “personal carbon allowances,” with all adults receiving an equal tradable carbon allowance that reduces over time in line with national [carbon] targets.” The allotment could act like WW2 ration cards that limited individual purchases of commodities.
Authorities in Britain admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population. The Canadian military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people
And just like that, the government controls all sporting events, concerts, jobs, colleges, medical facilities, whether or not you can leave your house, controls depleted resources such as toilet paper and food, controls all travel….
Its time we all stand up and say ”’NO”’.