China’s Hidden Misery and the People’s Struggle for Survival

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Winston Sterzel, a businessman from South Africa who lived in China for 14 years, says that China is miserable and its people have been reduced to concern for survival and money because the government’s promises of improving their lives are lies. Free speech and thought are stifled. He said that low income people in China are treated like dirt by the government and society. Wealthy Chinese people are leaving. China censors videos depicting poverty.


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charles motley
charles motley
1 month ago

I do airbnb in my house and was told this by Chinese guests:
“Everyone in Taiwan wants to be part of China”.
“The government plan, lacking social security, was that old people should be taken care of by their children. However peasants from different provinces far away marry, so will the boy take care of his and his wife’s parents in their old age? The result is almost all old people exist in a tiny room with nothing to do except look at the walls. Considering China’s population, there are more of them than everyone in the USA.”

1 month ago

As though the USA is much better? Maybe he should show us how Baltimore, Philadelphia, San Fran and other US hellholes look like. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

terry shead
terry shead
1 month ago

There you are the Truth

1 month ago

And FDR did NOT help Chang to defeat Mao. This is why the world is the way it exists now, inAsia.

1 month ago

All commies do is lie, lie, lie. They do not tell the truth EVER. Very strange they stay in power like that.

We have them here but they never call themselves commies, of course, being liars. They are called Democrats.

1 month ago

Wow! I guess it’s tough all around. But probably the hardest part is not being able to talk politics or religion. I mean, that’s what life is all about really. So if you can’t change these basic needs, yeah, a very desperate situation for all.