Windfall: FBI Pays $2M to Strzok and His Ex-Lover for Released Anti-Trump Texts

Peter Strzok, video screenshot

The FBI will pay disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok and his former lover Lisa Page millions in a settlement over the release of their anti-Trump text messages. Strzok will receive $1.2 million, while Page will get $800,000 after the bureau released email exchanges that exposed their anti-Trump bias during the 2016 presidential campaign. Such bias ultimately ignited the now-defunct Russian collusion hoax probe. Strzok opened the investigation into allegations of Russian collusion. The corrupt investigation was called ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ and was initiated without interviewing those who provided the initial information or assessing internal FBI intelligence. If it had done so, the FBI would have learned there was no evidence to back the Steele Dossier’s allegations. 

Dore said that Strzok was set to lose his case, as his texts showed that he was trying to undermine democracy and conspiring to stop Trump from becoming President. This case shows that the media, the government and the justice system is corrupt.


Warning: vulgar language


The FBI will pay disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok and his former lover Lisa Page millions in a settlement over the release of their anti-Trump text messages, CNN reported on Friday.

Strzok will receive $1.2 million, while Page will get $800,000 after the bureau released email exchanges that exposed their anti-Trump bias during the 2016 presidential campaign. Such bias ultimately ignited the now-defunct Russian collusion hoax probe.

The infamous messages between Page and Strzok, both married at the time, showed them discussing ways to “stop” Trump, whom they labeled an “idiot.” The two also backed Hillary Clinton, the twice-failed presidential candidate, in text messages.

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The disturbing display of bias fueled concerns about political bias and discriminatory behavior against Trump, reaching a climax after FBI agents aggressively raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in 2022. 

The messages were first released by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to counter selective leaks undermining public trust in the DOJ. Fast forward to 2024, the settlement stipulates that the release of the messages violated the Privacy Act. 

Despite his own bias, Strzok claimed that the FBI released his text messages for political purposes. 

 “While I have been vindicated by this result, my fervent hope remains that our institutions of justice will never again play politics with the lives of their employees,” he claimed, ignoring the bias he exhibited during the Mueller investigation. 

Special Counsel John Durham, appointed in 2020 by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, revealed that Strzok opened the investigation into allegations of Russian collusion despite his “hostile feelings toward Trump.” 

Moreover, Durham’s report highlighted that the investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, was initiated without interviewing those who provided the initial information or assessing internal FBI intelligence. 

“Had it done so,” Durman noted, the FBI would have learned there was no evidence to back the Steele Dossier’s allegations. 

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1 month ago

IMHO, he and his ex are total losers and should never be rewarded!

1 month ago

No, the FBI isn’t paying them, the American taxpayers are footing the bill. The level of corruption within our federal government is both astounding and disheartening.

1 month ago

Another reason to abolish / defund this KGB / corrupt “agency.”
They both must pay this money back.

Hat Bailey
Hat Bailey
1 month ago

The corrupt are rewarded handsomely, the honest and courageous punished. Upside down world. Glad I’m just passing throught this place.

Mr. Obvious
Mr. Obvious
1 month ago

Soooo, instead of being charged for treason, these slimes are getting a reward for privacy violations??

1 month ago
Reply to  Mr. Obvious

Trump must defund the “F I B” when he re-takes the WH.
And he must get this taxpayer money back while releasing all Jan. 6 political prisoners. Then hold capitol “police” accountable.

1 month ago

I am not surprised in the least, we’ve had a fortunately failed assassination, followed closely by a presidential coup within the Dem party, it shocks me, not at all, that proven traitorous conspirators would be rewarded by our corrupt government.