Commentary by G. Edward Griffin:
Beware of the propaganda in this report. We are dealing here with a half-truth to deflect the moral impact of a hideous act. Technically, what General Milley is saying is true IF the facts of the narrative are true. If the facts are not true, then the meaning of what he says is false.
There are two assumptions hidden in his statement. The first is that the United States did exactly the same thing when it dropped the A-Bomb on Japan in 1945 to end the slaughter of World War Two. Therefore, it was justified and not to be criticized. There also is the mantra of collectivism – “Any act can be justified if it serves the greater good of the greater number”. By bringing the war to a close quickly rather than letting it drag on, the General said, the total number of deaths would be smaller. Therefore, the act was moral.
The truth of the matter, however, is that dropping the A-Bomb on Japan was not necessary to bring Japan to surrender. Japan was attempting to negotiate a surrender months before the bomb was dropped. It was trying to deliver this message to the US through ambassadors of other countries, and the effort was known within US diplomatic channels. These peace gestures, however, were shunned by President Roosevelt and the policy makers in the State Department because they wanted, not a negotiated surrender, but an unconditional surrender. They also wanted to demonstrate to the world the awesome power of the atomic bomb to establish the United States as the supreme world power after the war. All the talk about killing innocent people to avoid even more deaths in combat was pure propaganda for the naïve masses. The real motive for dropping the A-bomb was to establish the US as the supreme world power after the war.
Is a continuing genocidal assault against the civilian population of Gaza really motivated by a desire to save lives? Only a fool could believe that – especially in view of the long history of Israeli intent, publicly stated, to take total possession of the region — and we must not forget the recurring statements of Israeli leaders to the effect that the inhabitants of Gaza are mere animals and must be eliminated like rodents.
The bottom line is that half of the the stated facts by General Milley are not true. The massive killing of Palestinian civilians IS similar to the needless killing of Japanese civilians in World War II, but the motivation in BOTH cases was NOT to save lives but to further political objectives of the states conducting the attacks. Therefore, his statement is propaganda to deflect attention from the truth.
Retired US General Mark Milley on Tuesday bizarrely defended Israel’s slaughter of civilians in Gaza by saying that “we” in America also “slaughtered people in massive numbers — innocent people who had nothing to do with their government.”
Ret. Gen. Mark Milley says the US has committed so many war crimes over the years, it has no right to criticize Israel's devastation of Gaza
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) May 8, 2024
Palantir CEO Alex Karp chimes in: "The peace activists are actually the war activists, and we're the peace activists."
Karp says of Gaza…
He made the comments while speaking at the Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security in Washington, DC.
Milley said pro-Palestine protesters in America “are out there supporting a terrorist organization” and insisted they’re on the “wrong side.”
Milley further justified Israel’s war crimes by pushing the debunked Hamas mass beheadings/mass rape hoaxes and comparing Hamas to “the Nazis.”
Ret. Gen. Mark Milley repeats debunked Israeli propaganda about beheadings and sexual assault on Oct 7 to argue that the US would have done the same thing Israel is currently doing to Gaza if it had been attacked
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) May 8, 2024
This pile of crap just a few years ago cried about Donald Trump asking him to help put down the most damaging riots in American history during the Summer of Floyd and waxed poetic about how the rioters we’re “all Americans” no matter “what country [they] came from.”
Now he’s getting rich off giving paid speeches like these defending Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of women and children in Gaza and demonizing the Americans protesting the genocide in Gaza as terrorists!
The whole idea of the Post-War International Order Milley previously championed was to prevent the war crimes which took place during the previous decades from ever happening again but Israel shills keep citing horrors like the nuking of Japan and the bombing of Dresden to defend Israel’s war crimes today.
Milley was sharing the stage with war profiteer Palantir CEO Alex Karp, whose company is reportedly helping the IDF select targets in Gaza (Karp also proudly announced an affirmative action hiring quota at Palantir only for Jews in the wake of Oct 7).
Palantir CEO Alex Karp presents the Palestine solidarity campus protest movement as an existential threat to American empire: "If we lose the intellectual battle, we will not be able to deploy any army in the West, ever."
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) May 8, 2024
If Biden can make his refusal to send weapons to Israel a believable campaign promise, it might easily get him reelected.
I believe FDR dropped the two bombs so the enormous cost of their development could be justified.
President Truman had the A-bombs dropped on Japan
Interesting how history changes depending on the circumstances. I have studied WWII and especially the Japanese theater, and this is the very first time I heard that Japan was trying to make peace. Mark Milley is adjusting history to fit his story. You will remember that even after the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima the Japanese wouldn’t surrender and even after the second bomb was dropped the cabinet was split and the tie was broken by Hirohito himself and still the left attempted a coup to prevent Hiro from making the surrender speech, although the word surrender was not… Read more »
No matter if one likes the creation of Israel or not, it exists as a nation of the world and it was brutally attacked by Hamas on Oct 7. That attack was the same as a declaration of war. Further Hamas has said clearly that its goal is to eliminate Israel. Israel, as any nation would, defends itself. To do that means to defeat your enemy. Defeating your enemy means causing enough destruction and pain to make the enemy surrender or cease to exist. To color this was as genocide or saving of lives by one strategy or another is… Read more »
You have been watching too much CNN and Fox news.
I watch neither. Maybe you should state how you have a better explanation.
Gen Milley is clearing the way for Trump and Nety to annihilate Palestine and commit the biggest genocide we’ve ever seen in modern times… Period.
Another excellent & very informative article by Mr. Griffin. Milley is a cabal snake; they lie about everything. There is no justification for killing innocent people. I thank God that this war between the wheat & the tares will soon be over. Just as Scripture says, the evil ones will lose & humanity will finally be free of them.
The yes, innocent people, are being killed. But by the cowardly actions of their countrymen whom they need to disown and decouple from to survive.
05/10/2024 While I don’t know about the history of WWII enough to speak to those points here, I’m a Noahide (a non-Jew who keeps the 7 Noahide Laws relevant for all mankind) and I learn with the Orthodox rabbis every week. I’d like to add some relevant points here. And I’ve certainly been a frequent commenter lately on these Israel articles specifically on Need to Know because I want to get these points across to the brave readers and writer(s) of Need to Know! It is well documented and admitted that “Pay for Slay” (Palestinian Martyrs Fund) has given large… Read more »
5/14/2024 I had written here for a part of Vayikra (Leviticus) 26:4 “…and the land will give its bounty…” but this may not be an accurate translation so I’m coming back to this comment to make a revision here. I’m not very experience with the language and had written that out myself in order to not copy and paste from the online Jewish Bible (Tanach) page linked to there because I’m being careful about copyright. But I asked a rabbi about that word and found out that word has *not* been rendered “bounty” in any of the classic commentaries.… Read more »
Greatly appreciate E. Griffin’s work in general, but disagree with him absolutely here. The Allies in Europe refused a negotiated German surrender, rightly insisting on an unconditional surrender – the only appropriate response to the horrors wrought upon the world by the German people under the Nazis. The same was true for the Japanese. They were fanatical, diehard monsters who inflicted unspeakable horrors on the peoples they subjugated. They deserved and needed to be smashed into complete submission. Anything less would have failed to send the right message – a message the Japanese people, like the Germans, would never forget.… Read more »
Japan had emperor worship controlling them and continued isolated fighting in the south pacific far beyond war’s end. They also used kamikaze suicide (pilot) bombers in furtherance of their “duty” to their god-emperor. Had the US gone island-to-island to dislodge so entrenched Japanese and did land invasion of Japan, estimates were that upwards of 1 million US could be sacrificed. Against that backdrop, a presidential decision was probably correct to A-Bomb Japan. That was indeed the terrible resolve admiral Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the vicious attack on Pearl Harbor wrote in his diary: “I fear all we have… Read more »