Researcher Gerardot claims oxygen therapy can cure most of the vaccine injuries that he believes are due to bolus. He provides a table of studies showing improvement from oxygen therapy. He wrote that understanding the wide pathological scope of endothelial micro-perforation opens the way to curing many illnesses that were believed to be incurable for decades, and will alleviate the pain of billions of people.
Link for Marc Girardot’s Substack page: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/
Disclaimer: The Need To Know News reports on the news, we not doctors and do not recommend or endorse any treatments. We recommend consulting with your own doctors and medical practitioners.
Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein short explanation of Bolus Theory:
Aspiration, pulling back on the syringe plunger after needle insertion to check for blood, a sign that a blood vessel has been pierced, is practiced to avoid accidental vaccine injection into a vessel during intramuscular administration.
Gerardot’s articles and interview with Dr. John Campbell are technical as he explains the mechanisms of how a bolus can spread and cause disease. Gerardot lists 11 ways that people can be harmed by a bolus from a COVID vaccine that include vascular problems like myocarditis and arteriosclerosis, necrosis leading to organ damage, vascular micro-perforations that lead to neuropathies and auto-immune disorders, stem cell damage, and so much more.
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What If A Cure To Most Vaccine Injuries Was Already Widely Available And Affordable?
The Bolus Theory explains the dynamics of harm, notably many vaccine-bolus-induced illnesses fall in the vascular micro-perforation category which has shown to be curable. Merry Xmas!
When I started writing “The Needle’s Secret” early May of this year, I felt a deep and sad frustration. Namely, I had deconstructed eleven mechanisms of harm that explain nearly all the vaccine-bolus1 injuries, but nonetheless I couldn’t propose a cure to any of the vaccine injured. Based on the knowledge I had assembled, I couldn’t yet responsibly propose avenues to investigate with their doctors.
When my sister asked what she should do about her newly diagnosed arteriosclerosis, I didn’t have an answer in part because that was never my purpose, but also because I didn’t want to suggest anything that could make it worse. It’s satisfactory intellectually to know what’s going on, and more importantly to be in a position to prevent future accidents, but it’s also very unfair for those who have been harmed.
What’s the use of knowing what happened, for the ones suffering? They just want a solution. And that’s what doctors are for, finding a solution. But how can Doctors cure someone when they don’t understand what actually happened to their patients?
Stroke victims want the specter of Alzheimer’s to go away. Myocarditis victims pray that they won’t be part of the people who depart overnight silently without ever saying “Goodbye, I love you.”. People suffering from so-called “auto-immune” diseases want the pain to go away, and their lives back. Obese patients want their body to stop being inflamed and to sort the nutrient it needs and not let everything in like healthy bodies do. Autistic children probably also want the pain to go away and all the other illnesses they suffer from to disappear. Endocrine disorders patients want their old self back…
What if a simple and safe solution existed…
Bolus Theory Update
As demonstrated in my article on Autism, anyone being hit by a vaccine-bolus would be inevitably hit in several areas, in several severities and in several modalities.
- in several areas because it’s a chaotic process. Parts of the bolus can be scattered throughout the entire body. Some of the vaccine-bolus can hit in the lungs and then another part goes and hits the intestines. Another one will hit the heart capillaries, the brain and the kidney. Or multiple organs as observed in the fatal case of a 14-year old Japanese girl2. Almost all scenarios are imaginable.
- in multiple severities because the bolus goes from highly grouped and highly concentrated to totally diluted downstream. In the process, sub-groups with varying concentrations can be formed and sent in various directions, with varying degrees of concentrations. The higher concentrations will cause greater damage to the vascular system. The more concentrated hits and/or the longer exposure in the capillaries will create greater damage downstream by blocking blood flow. Imagine this as a ruined photo exposure where the aperture is too wide (concentration) or too long (bolus length). In any case, the picture is overexposed. same with a vaccine-bolus rampaging down one’s blood vessels.
- in various modalities because as you can see from the map below, one can be harmed in 11 different ways.
Tied to severe endothelial damage:
(1) An overwhelming supply of coagulation factor leads to thrombosis and related issues,
(2) Severe endothelial damage in a very high blood flow area leads to aneurysms and their deleterious effects,
(3) Local lack of calcification inhibitors evidently leads to arteriosclerosis and other calcification events,
(4) Misallocated growth factor leads to angiomas and fistulas,
(5) Necrosis tied to clotting leads to organ and system dysfunctions (organ failures, hormone hypo-secretions, ulcers…),
(6) Vascular micro-perforation tied to disseminated damage leads to a huge number of modern-day illnesses (neurodegenerative disease, hormone hyper-secretion, neuropathies, auto-immune disorders…).Tied to stem cell transfection:
(7) Senior stem cell contamination leading to aggressive cancers,
(8) Junior stem cell contamination leading to more indolent cancers,
(9) Stem cell division misalignment caused by contaminant leading to monosomy and trisomy disorders,
(10) Chromosome break-up caused by contaminant binding or interference leading to DNA deletions, translocations and duplications) ,
(11) DNA contamination leading to genome integrations and mutations. - Herein I won’t address cancer – (7) and (8) – which I have addressed already. Evidently, if the 30% increase in “Living with cancer” searches in Google Trends is confirmed in reality, then cancer will represent a large portion of the injured, nearly 1 in 10. Given the vaccination of young children and to pregnant that is cause for concern.
- The genetic disorders (9),(10),(11) will mostly hit with cancer. Genetic tinkering causes unrepairable damage, at least for the time being. Here only gene therapy will eventually offer an answer.
- The coagulation related issues (thrombosis and white clot syndrome) are typically transient and, typically managed via anticoagulant, and any thrombus resolved via surgery.
- A very large number of people will end up with arterial plaque. I have already addressed that and the way it can be alleviated in the following article: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/arteriosclerosis-is-about-an-unnatural
- But the largest group of injured lies in the micro-perforation category. Why? Simply because we know the dynamic of the bolus goes from concentrated to disseminated. One will necessarily have more disseminated hits than concentrated ones. That’s basic probability. Moreover we know that the capillaries take up the largest endothelial surface. So the entire surface of all capillaries is immense includes the skin, the fat, the bones, the intestines….compared to the large arteries and veins.
This idea does not work except in minor cases perhaps. The injected material does not stay in the tissue injected and the inflammatory reaction against transfected cells ensuing causes the damages.
More importantly, intramuscular injection of anything in the attempt to generate immunity is dumb where the entrance of the pathogen is a mucosal lining.
Besides, transfection has been known to cause changes that make the transfected cell foreign to the hosts (persons) immune system.
No one will address this and, thus, anything else serves as a distraction.
the shots are toxic no matter where they are injected. This is demonstrated by the website howbad.info which shows that adverse reactions are connected to the batches not merely to a random distribution, statistically. If the bolus theory were a primary or even a significant factor in determining whether or not a person had a adverse reaction, there would be no such correlation to the batches.