The gender of Moreno is unknown as police records show Moreno previously identified as a male named “Jeffrey Escalante,” leaving people questioning the individual’s biological gender. Fox News reported that Morena was a biological male, but Moreno’s mother-in-law implied that she/he gave birth to the child who was shot. There are many other contradictory and odd facts that have been reported in this case.
Summary by JW Williams
A 36-year-old “woman” named Genesse Moreno, who was reportedly born in El Salvador, opened fire inside pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood, Texas megachurch on Sunday before the Spanish language service began. Two off-duty law enforcement officers working as church security returned fire on Moreno and killed the suspect. Moreno allegedly entered the building wearing a trenchcoat, holding an AR-15 with “Free Palestine” written on the side, while dragging along a 5-year-old child. The suspected shooter was the only party who was killed, however, the boy is said to be in critical condition after being shot in the head; he is unlikely to live, per Fox News. A man who was shot in the leg has been released from medical care. There were no other injuries reported.
Osteen’s mega-church accommodates 16,000 people. The shooting took place on Super Bowl Sunday. Some people were surprised by Osteen’s reaction to the shooting because he is smiling.
Police records show Moreno previously identified as a male named “Jeffrey Escalante,” leaving people questioning the individual’s biological gender. Fox News reported that Morena was a biological male.
Moreno “had prior arrests for assault, forgery, marijuana possession, theft, evading, and unlawful carrying weapon.” Among the charges are an Aug. 2009 assault, for which Moreno was sentenced to 180 days in Harris County Jail for kicking a detention officer; a May 2010 charge for forgery, for which she/he was sentenced to two days in Harris County Jail for trying to use a counterfeit $100 bill; a Nov. 2010 charge for theft, for which she/he was sentenced to 30 days in Harris County Jail for stealing hats and makeup; a Dec. 2010 charge for evading arrest, for which she/he was sentenced to 75 days in Harris County Jail; and a June 2022 charge for unlawful carrying of a weapon, which is still an active case.
There was also a report of a fraudulent birth certificate for the child. The child’s age was repeatedly changed around from 4 or 5 years old to 7 years old. Moreno is Latino and from El Salvador, but was reported to be white.
Posts revealed Moreno was a supporter of “Democratic Socialist” presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. A critic on X predicted the story would be quickly removed from the media spotlight as the shooter’s background doesn’t fit the establishment narrative currently being pushed, which is white Americans are the root of all evil.
Moreno was previously married to a man named Enrique Carranza III when they both worked for the Spaghetti Factory in Houston in 2015. Carranza said that Moreno was a diagnosed schizophrenic and was violent. He said that she/he used to hit him with keys and cans of beans. The union between Carranza and Moreno ended in a contentious divorce and bitter custody battle; their divorce was finalized in 2022.
Mr. Carranza was reportedly found guilty by a Florida jury of Failure to Comply with Sex Offender Requirements in March 2023, after having been previously convicted of Attempted Sexual Assault on a Child in Colorado.
Moreno supposedly had a “Free Palestine” sticker on the gun and was reported to be an anti-semite even though she/he was married to Mr. Carranza who says he is Jewish. Carranza’s mother was reported to be a rabbi who supports gun control laws and said she favors, “strong red flag laws that would have prevented her [Moreno] from having a gun.” It is unknown at this time how Moreno obtained the gun. ABC reported that Mr. Carranza was advised by Child Protective Services (CPS) that she/he could not have a gun.
Carranza’s mother reportedly filed an affidavit stating that Moreno abused her son, Moreno’s former husband, and their baby. The mother-in-law further implied that Moreno was a woman and that she refused to allow a toxicology screen on her own blood and urine before the boy’s birth.
Peggy Hall, while making it clear that she is very sorry for anyone who was hurt during this shooting event, was very skeptical about the details of the shooting and posted her checklist for “orchestrated events” that can include real people who get hurt or killed:
☑ Location/setting: where “gun violence” needs to be stopped; friendly place; party/church/school
☑Shooter is shot (or kills self)
☑Mental illness angle
☑ Unusual/strange names of suspect and victims
☑Conflicting information/reports
☑ Interesting and repetitive time/number clues
☑Newly-installed officials
☑ “Trans” angle
☑Children involved
☑Things don’t add up
☑No names of witnesses
☑Cheerful witnesses
☑Political/divisive angle
Peggy Hall: https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/joel-osteen-of-course-were-devastated
Transgender Mass Shooter Trend:

Toomany “trans -basket cases involved in serious and deadly shootings all connected with the Democrat Party– isnt that an interesting fact- and the sneaky news limiting the reporting– “ move on nothing to see here- I say total BS.Joel’s response being pressed on how could this happen here, and what possible good (Romans 8:28) could come from something like this? His response included he was in a daze over the event but then commendably went on to say had this occurred at later time after service began, the outcome would likely have been far more tragic.
I concur, and believe there was no “smile of joy” coming from him over an event he had NO responsibility for.