Sweden Joins NATO! And Why That’s A Very Bad Thing

Max Blumentha, Youtube screenshot
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was ostensibly intended to stop war between the Russian empire and the West, but the Soviet Union no longer exists, yet NATO continues to expand. NATO is not defensive, but is acting to provoke Russia through its expansion. Sweden has joined NATO. The US Senate, except for Rand Paul and Josh Hawley, voted to include Sweden in NATO. In order to add Sweden, Turkey had to be appeased in it oppression of the Kurds. Max Blumental says there was a delicate balance in Sweden between being a haven for Kurds while maintaining ties with Turkey, but its neutrality has been broken. He says NATO is a mechanism for global imperial control by the United States and is the enemy of humanity.

Glenn Greenwald wrote that each time a new country joins NATO, it means the US is extending a permanent, limitless vow to defend that new country in any war and to treat its wars as our own. He asked who this benefits and if American lives are improved by this.


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Major Tom
Major Tom
9 months ago

If NATO existed to combat global communism and global Jihad……I’d support it….

Phillip Mezzapelle
Phillip Mezzapelle
9 months ago

So sad to hear about more political leaders selling their souls to the Evil Empire. 😔

9 months ago

And how would this be viewed by Ukraine? Sweden gets in but not Ukraine? I think this will not go over very well with Ukraine!

9 months ago
Reply to  Susan

And You-Kraine can / should fight it’s own wars. I WAANT my money back, Jo(k)e “Briben.”

RockyMtn 1776
RockyMtn 1776
9 months ago

There are 196 countries in the world, the US pays foreign aid to 154 of them including China and Russia. We have US troops on 130 nations protecting them and their borders. Something is very wrong with this picture; other nations are not paying their fair share and US citizens have not stopped our elected officials from doing so.

9 months ago
Reply to  RockyMtn 1776

ALL “foreign” aid needs to be stopped permanently, immediately if not sooner.
The DC clowns are truly making the USA a fool’s paradise.

David Strickett
David Strickett
9 months ago

In New Zealand some of us generally why the hell our prime minister and government are giving millions of dollars to help Ukraine when this has absolutely nothing to do with us.