(Publisher’s note: The inclusion of this interview at Need to Know News is not to be taken as an endorsement of the content – nor is this disclaimer to be taken as a rejection of the content. At present, we are not aware of any reason to doubt Mr. DeSouza’s FBI experience with such matters, and we know that the possibility of faking hostile encounters with aliens has long been on the cabal’s wish list as a means of stampeding humanity into total obedience to world government as the only way to survive. We have no personal experience upon which to accept or reject the claim that aliens exist or, if they do exist, are from another dimension. Exist or not, interdimensional, or not, you have a right to make up your own mind, which requires that you have access to all views, including this one. GEG)
Thanks for giving us this info today, so that we may share it all around. Your site is always keen, sane, balanced, sound and truthful. It has always been one to be trusted. So, I thank God for you and your work over the years. His Best and Every Blessing!
Thank you.
Aliens visiting from this universe or from “other dimensions” would defy all of known physics and are an absolutely absurd proposition. Aliens most certainly exist in our universe, and probably even in our galaxy. But the chances of them being near enough to Earth to fly here at less than the speed of light within any lifetime are vanishingly small. What is more, it they were advanced enough to make the journey, they would scarcely be more interested in us than we would be interested in a single particular ant hill in the African wilderness. That the US government, or… Read more »
Yes, this defies “all of KNOWN physics.” Problem is we hardly know anything, but we can observe. I, and many others have seen the man made version with our own eyes on and near a military base. Only about 10% are the real thing. According to Dr. Steven Greer, by 1974 the US had enough UFOs” to fake an invasion that could be used as a pretext for a one-world govt.
A very interesting lecture on the new physics is offered by Dr. Dunning:
I think you are incorrect and UFOs are 1. routinely coming here from other galaxies; 2. Being FAKED coming here with advanced movie editing technology; 3. A deliberate DISTRACTION from REAL spiritual and religious experience which is much more important and universal. Pick a religion any religion. Just not Hollywood B.S. P.S. Hollywood is ALL B.S.
If it is a lie, a con, a fraud and a scam, like this one then it comes from the devil and the satanic enemies of God who worship Satan. We know who our true enemies are: The Powers That Be”. They do all their evil while pretending they are against a new enemy which is in reality our oldest and continuous enemies from the beginning: “The Powers That Be” . This world is owned and run by the Luciferian Bankers. The fallen angels of Hell, the only “aliens” who exist in the bodies of soulless humans, and jump from… Read more »
Project Blue Beam I think it was called when I read about something like this years ago on Ken Adachi’s website.
I think desouza has been sniffing too much ink.
I’ve ‘thought’ for a long time that all these UFO/UAPs (especially the ones a whole lot of people just happen to see in the sky and record it) are holograms the Gov. use to scare people into slavery.
I agree with the general idea that SOME UFOs are indeed “real” SOME are just the govt. with a plan to scam. It makes sense. I have seen UFO’s three different times. The first time I saw a definite UFO was very confusing and scary. I got older and read everything I could find. I learned about natural cures for cancer that get suppressed because they hurt the drug industry. I found this website! Then the news started putting UFO stories on the front and center of so much and glamorized the idea. That made me suspicious since there are… Read more »
Super Tiger, what are the natural cures for cancer, can you list any?
If you want to know about the ACTUAL LAW SUITS involving natural cures for cancer that were PROVEN beyond doubt than I suggest you find the movie, “Cancer the Forbidden Cure.” Or read the book “World Without Cancer.” It is a complicated subject.
If these man-made UAPs shoot down airplanes I hope they get one that ejects chemtrails