15 of 23 Monkeys with Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chips Died after Extreme Suffering

Out of 23 monkeys that had Elon Musk’s Neuralink microchips implanted in their brains  at the University of California Davis between 2017 and 2020, 15 of them died, and all suffered debilitating health effects, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Neuralink was founded in 2016 with a goal of helping people recover from traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, curing depression, and connecting humans to the internet.

Out of a total of 23 monkeys implanted with Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips at the University of California Davis between 2017 and 2020, at least 15 reportedly died.

Via Business Insider and the New York Post, the news comes from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an animal-rights group that viewed over 700 pages of documents, veterinary records, and necropsy reports through a public records request at the university.

Neuralink was founded in 2016 with a goal of helping people recover from traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, curing depression and other mental health disorders, and connecting humans to the internet for everything from music streaming to near-telepathic communication. The company has often touted its successes, such as a demonstration on a pig in 2020, and a 2021 video of a macaque playing Pong with its mind.

The project has attracted a great deal of interest from celebrities like Grimes and Lil Uzi Vert, and people suffering from paralysis often petition Musk on social media to be a part of human trials. Musk previously said that he hoped to begin human trials in 2021, but that goal has been pushed back to 2022. Based on the PCRM’s findings, the brain chips may be nowhere near ready.

“Pretty much every single monkey that had had implants put in their head suffered from pretty debilitating health effects,” said the PCRM’s research advocacy director Jeremy Beckham. “They were, frankly, maiming and killing the animals.”

Neuralink chips were implanted by drilling holes into the monkeys’ skulls. One primate developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized. Another was discovered missing fingers and toes, “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma,” and had to be put down. A third began uncontrollably vomiting shortly after surgery, and days later “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue.” An autopsy revealed the animal suffered from a brain hemorrhage.

The PCRM filed a complaint with the the US Department of Agriculture on Thursday, accusing UC Davis and Neuralink of nine violations of the Animal Welfare Act. “Many, if not all, of the monkeys experienced extreme suffering as a result of inadequate animal care and the highly invasive experimental head implants during the experiments, which were performed in pursuit of developing what Neuralink and Elon Musk have publicly described as a ‘brain-machine interface,’” the group wrote in the complaint.

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Clay Robertson
Clay Robertson
2 years ago

If Musk had to be one of his tortured victims I’m quite sure he would abandon the experiment altogether. But in reality, nobody cares and so, the torture will continue. And you people let it…

Fastt Ed
Fastt Ed
2 years ago

Just as “sick” a ‘person’ as Heir Wilhelm gates of the SS.

Jon Nellis
Jon Nellis
2 years ago

One would think with just a little common sense that as a species we should master our own house before we start redecorating the house of All That Is. Speaking personally this task has been arduous enough in the environment I grew up within, an environment created by those whom have gone before me. Comparatively, I had immense opportunity over someone born the same time but in a different country say perhaps India. Yet the enticing traps and legal pitfalls were abundant even in my middle class American 1970s-90s. We were given an education based upon where and even when… Read more »

Toni Ehrlich-Feldman
Toni Ehrlich-Feldman
2 years ago

this is horrifying and not surprising. This info needs to speads.

2 years ago

tragic and horrifying like everything the leaders of this Luciferian child-sacrificing evil world are doing! Grieving for all the innocents, the beasts and children…Jesus, please.

Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
2 years ago

Implantable medical technology in the body should not be viewed as inherently evil since plenty of patients benefit from cardiac pacemakers, vagal nerve stimulators, cochlear implants, etc. However, to take a cavalier attitude that everyone should get a brain chip so that they can check their e-mail just by thinking about it is a very dangerous and unnecessary step down the road to transhumanism. Musk had suggested awhile back in an interview about Neura-Link that people would soon be getting their brain chips implanted by a surgical robot at the local shopping mall!

Clive Edwards
Clive Edwards
2 years ago

Disgusting and unforgivable. Our evolution won’t be complete until we respect all sentient beings. It is not our place to play God, especially when we treat other beings as if we don’t share that same God.