Dr. Mercola ‘Deleting all Content’ due to Threats from Biden Regime; CNN Stalks Him in the Street

Dr. Mercola
The Biden Administration has pressured popular health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola to delete over 15,000 articles from his natural-health website. The FDA threatened him with criminal penalties by claiming he was marketing Vitamins C and D as an effective coronavirus treatment. A foreign lobby called the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” labeled him #1 on their “disinformation dozen” list for reporting on the risks of Covid vaccines. CNN has harassed Mercola at his home, doxxed his home address, and stalked him in the street. For his safety and to try to save his business, he says he will write news articles but will only post them for 48 hours. He has withdrawn all copyright restrictions so others may download and share them. -GEG

From Mercola, “Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours”:

Today, I have the most important announcement in the quarter of a century history of this newsletter. My goal and passion has always been about supporting you and helping you take control of your health. I am beyond thrilled that there are tens of millions of people who have benefited from what I have shared over the years.

I am filled with joy and gratitude every time I travel and lecture as invariably many people tell me how I’ve changed their lives by providing vital information they couldn’t find anywhere else and even better that was completely free.

These were the times when many of the views I presented were criticized, but that’s to be expected. That was one of the great freedoms we enjoyed. We could have different views and we could speak openly about these views without fear of retribution.

But we are now in a different time. A much darker time. The silence of free speech is now deafening.

Not only is blatant censorship tolerated, it is being encouraged by the very people who were to be entrusted with protecting our freedom of speech.

We are not living from the lessons we’ve learned before. Never in my life, would I believe the sitting President of the United States call out 12 Americans in a McCarthyism like attack in the United States. As you are aware, I was placed at the top of this list.

The last week has brought a tremendous amount of reflections to me, and a lot of unacceptable threats to a company full of amazing people that have helped me support you in this journey.

By now I am sure you know that there was a recent NY Times article attacking me and it was one of the most widely distributed stories in the world. The article was loaded with false statements made about me and my organization.

The report would be laughed at if it were to be submitted for peer review, the groups that created it are funded by dark money and operated by an illegal foreign agent. The press never questioned it, but ran with their orders from above.

I can deal with the CNN crews that chase me by car while I bicycle from my home. I feel sorry for the people in media that have to follow the orders they are given.

It is easy to dismiss the media pawns, but the most powerful individual on the planet has targeted me as his primary obstacle that must be removed. Every three letter agency is at his disposal, and the executive powers have grown beyond what an individual American’s rights can protect against.

A dissenter of medical mandates is now a target and obstacle to be removed. I know – that’s 25 years’ worth of blood, sweat and tears coming down.

I can hardly believe these words are coming out of my mouth. It’s a testament of just how radical things have degenerated in the recent past. However, I will continue to publish new articles, BUT going forward, each article I publish will be available for only 48 hours and will then be removed from the website.

We are at the crossroad where change is unavoidable. We all must make choices that determine our future. To many, this looks like a war … but what we need to find is peace. I am going to find peace through this sacrifice.

Just to be clear, ALL my content will be removed. This includes articles on:

Great Reset
General nutrition
The coronavirus
My interviews with experts

These will be removed to appease the individuals in power who have an arsenal of overwhelming tools at their disposal, and are actively engaged in using them. COVID-19 has activated and authorized emergency powers that have weakened our constitutional rights. Sadly, cyberwarfare and authoritarian forces are beyond our abilities to withstand, and this is now our only way forward.

Over 15,000 articles full of vital information that has helped tens of millions across the world take control of their health, will be removed. There was a time when people could debate and respect each other freely. That time is now gone. I believe laws are best applied like medicine – locally and specifically.

Local food, local democracy – our local community strength is the best way to achieve peace moving forward, and to stop authoritarian technocracy. I also believe we are at our strongest when we can care and maintain respect for each other. This is how we can make our most important decisions in life.

Again I will still be writing my daily articles that I started 25 years ago BUT they will only be available for 48 hours before they are removed. In this way I hope to continue my mission to help you take control of your health – but it’s up to you to download, share and repost this content. I will not be enforcing my copyright on this information so that you may freely share it.

Please also encourage others to read “The Truth About COVID-19,” where you will find much of the information from the past two years that people need to read to wake up and open their eyes. I am donating all earnings to the National Vaccine Information Center.

I want to thank all of you that have supported me over the years. I hope you can understand why I have decided to make this dramatic decision and hope the remaining ephemeral articles will be useful for those who wish to read them.

We will continue through these challenging times together, and remember this:

Your body was designed to stay healthy.

You hold in your hands the power to take control of your health.

Never let anyone take your right to health away from you.

Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech. ~ Albert Einstein

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3 years ago

Use Archive.org to save all his articles!

3 years ago

Send the articles to me, I’ll publish them. I want to make this list.

Donal Campbell
Donal Campbell
3 years ago


Nova Montgomery
Nova Montgomery
3 years ago

Dr. Mercola,
You have been a tremendous SHINING LIGHT for TRUTH and we thank you.
May freedom prevail in humanity’s struggle to throw off the dark forces of ignorance and despotism!! Much love always, Nova

3 years ago

The Thought Police are in full 1984 swing, running free speech roughshod over the Constitution, in the guise of “protecting” the general welfare. -Quite the opposite occurring here! I think Dr. Mercola will have more visits every 48hr. than he’s ever had before!

Boomer Lady
Boomer Lady
3 years ago

I believe Dr. Mercola is wrong to delete all those articles without backing them up towards the day when the world is free again. It took so long to discover and record it all. Don’t lose it. Give the backup to someone that you trust.