Biden Declares War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine is on the Way

Famine, the third horseman, Pixabay
The Biden administration has launched a technocratic war on America’s food supply and accelerating a global collapse in food production. This is being done by paying farmers NOT to grow food, ordering the Department of Agriculture to pursue a zero-growth policy, and placing restrictions on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. On top of that, the US is reeling from a severe shortage of fertilizer, which will cause crop yields to decrease and prices to rise. The US is completely sold out of food to export and other countries have stopped exporting their surplus to protect their domestic supplies in the face of a looming global famine. -GEG

For information on how to improve your own food security in the days ahead, here is a link to the Greater Food Transformation website:

Ice Age Farmer’s video from the Greater Food Transformation presentation:

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Offline is a documentary on the inevitability of the Earth being slammed by a mega solar flare – not the common type that interrupts communications and creates a light show in the Northern skies – but the big brothers thousands of times more powerful. These monsters deliver enough energy to blow apart the master transformers that supply the planet’s energy grids. When that happens, the lights go out for longer than anyone wants to think about. These X-Class solar storms hit the Earth every 150 years, on average. The last one arrived 156 years ago. We are overdue (More)


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3 years ago

Well I would guess that gnashing of the teeth will become a new normal.
A game of sacrifice all based on protecting the king turd. Chess on steroids!

3 years ago

This dovetails into the news I learned last month. Bill Gates is now the single largest owner of FARMLAND in the United States.

Truth guardian
Truth guardian
3 years ago

This is Luciferianism and nihilism in action. The adepts who have clung to the Kabbalah practices of the ancient mystery religions of the heretical priesthood of ancient Israel. The group which broke troth and the covenant with Jehovah Yahweh and his people. They are a historically documented group of Chaldean magi that are a child sacrificing death cult and have been for 3,500 years and remain today. We must strengthen our resolve and stele our courage to resist the crushing boot heel of endless tyranny that is presenting all signs of the quickening and the abominable emergence of a barbarism… Read more »

3 years ago

“Department of Agriculture” 1st, there was no delegation of powers.authority to the US Government to create a “Dept. of Agriculture”, so it should NOT exist at the federal government level. States can create their own if they want a Dept of Agriculture. Basically, the federal government and it’s “powers” were created by the US Constitution. Beyond those listed there, and more can only be added (or subtracted) by amending the US Constitution, and that has not been done in the case of many of the federal agencies created and powers usurped from the states and the American people. Thomas Paine:… Read more »

3 years ago

Corona is parallel to the Bolshevik crushing of the prosperous Christian Ukrainian Kulaks. Study the HOLODOMOR, the Bolshevik Crimes .. 10X worse than anything the nazis did. For 40+ years TPTB have been eroding the Standard of Living for the “average” America. Wages never catch up to inflation. Jobs converted to Part Time and Contract work. Unions broken — all this started by Bastard Reagan The Corona HOAX is a sledge hammer taken to the scaffolding of YOUR Standard of Living. Forced closure of the little People as the Mega Corporations get YOUR tax subsidies. What is being done to… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Alberticus

how would you ever change ‘human nature’?…a question really addressed to ‘Atlanteans’/Sumerians/megalithic builders etc etc etc…/nothing to do with us…we are ‘good’ as everybody knows…/

3 years ago

Getting everything sold off. Whatever’s left I’ll walk away from. I’ve accepted this as inevitable.

Have several Exit Plans in place, and as no one will stand against this, a true warrior has discussed with me time and again, ‘Make it count’.

I have yet to see anything, anywhere, to ‘make it count’ – for ANYTHING. I’m already seeing voters/Trump/Q-tards saying ‘2024!’

No, gang. It’s over. You were misled so this EXACT OUTCOME would take place while you ‘trusted the plan’ and sat on your ass.

3 years ago

I see lots of whining and wishing, but see zero action in fixing the theft of the
Presidency. I see lots of proof as to how it was done, but no undoing of it.
If a bank crook is successful in robbing a band and gets away, is he free from the law from then on?

jim bear
jim bear
3 years ago

impeach 46 before he screws up everything !!

3 years ago

I am a retired teacher and a former debate team coach. My years of supporting university-bound students with understanding debate logic and presentation appears to me as useless.  “You are all a lost generation,” writer Gertrude Stein said to a young Ernest Hemingway in the years after World War I, according to his account years later in A Moveable Feast.

We do not think, we emote! Government will not and cannot solve this problem because it is now firmly entrenched in our “societal DNA.” Turn, each one of us, to the Lord of Creation. His mercy is all we can reach out for.