Epic Vaccine Debate Between Robert Kennedy Jr and Attorney Alan Dershowitz

Robert Kennedy, Jr debates Alan Dershowitz, Youtube
Attorney Dershowitz contends that, if there were a safe and effective measure that could significantly reduce the contagious impact of a deadly disease, the Supreme Court would rule that government has the constitutional power to compel vaccinations on its citizens, including children. Robert Kennedy, Jr., agrees that the argument is correct but that the condition of the argument required by the word IF is absent. In other words, vaccines are far from either safe or effective, so the argument has no legal or ethical merit. Kennedy dominates the debate with shocking facts about the lack of vaccine safety. It’s a long debate but well worth taking notes. -GEG

Summary by JW Williams

RFK focuses on vaccine safety and effectiveness and shows many facets of corruption in the vaccine industry. Almost 50% of Americans who were polled said they may not take a vaccine for COVID-19, and 27% are firm in their refusal. He describes vaccines as a medical intervention given to perfectly healthy people to prevent someone else from getting sick. It is the only medicine that is given to healthy people.

A study by the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality found that the actual rate of vaccine injury is 2.6%, which means that 1 in 40 people is seriously injured from vaccines. This is huge! US Health and Human Services admits that fewer than 1% of people who are injured by vaccines even get to court, yet $4-billion has been paid out so far by vaccine court for vaccine injuries. Vaccine safety is a myth.

Congress awarded vaccine manufacturers blanket immunity from liability since 1986, when pharmaceutical companies threatened to stop making vaccines because they are “unavoidably unsafe”. No matter how negligent the company is, no matter how toxic the ingredients, the companies are still not liable and cannot be sued.

Children today are subject to 72 doses of 16 vaccines in order to stay in school.

RFK described a 2000 study by Johns Hopkins on infectious diseases, including those that had no vaccine available. The study concluded that the decline in deaths from infectious disease during the first half of the 20th century had nothing to do with vaccines, but was attributable to improved sanitation, nutrition, hygiene, electric refrigerators, reduction in population densities, and clean water.

Vaccines are the only medical product that does not have to be safety tested against a placebo, because vaccines were said to be necessary against biological warfare. Without a test against a placebo, it is unknown if a vaccine is causing more harm than good. Many vaccines are only safety tested for a few days. Any injury or long-term health effects after that are ignored.

The Moderna vaccine, which is the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidate, skipped animal testing and jumped ahead to human testing. It was admitted that four out of 45 volunteers (9%) suffered immediate adverse reactions, and there is no information on long-term reactions. Nevertheless, two-billion doses of the vaccine have been ordered. Kennedy said that Dr. Anthony Fauci is on the patent and will receive royalties from it.

All four companies that manufacture vaccines for the US, Glaxo, Sinofi, Pfizer, and Merck, are convicted felons who have been fined $35-billion over the past 10 years in criminal penalties for illegal and unethical activities. Yet, we are expected to trust them now with our lives.

The COVID-19 vaccine could kill many people who have co-morbities. RFK says 54% of Americans have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other chronic disease, in addition to being overweight, which means that even the common cold could be fatal to them.

RFK says the Cochrane Collaboration, that reviews clinical trials and studies, reported that a person would have to have 100 flu vaccines in order to prevent one case of flu, there is zero evidence that the flu shot prevents any hospitalizations or deaths, and the flu vaccine actually increases the spread of the flu.

Flu shots injure the immune system and make recipients over four times more likely to develop an illness that is similar to the flu due to ‘pathogenic priming’.

The Oxford vaccine was tested on monkeys that were exposed to the wild coronavirus and they became ill, indicating that the vaccine doesn’t work. Two-million doses of it have been ordered anyway.

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Jason Martin
Jason Martin
3 years ago

Take the red pill. You will be compelled to take the red pill, or the vaccine, nano-particles and all. Resistence is futile!

3 years ago

I don’t understand two things: If everyone that wants to get vaccinated against Covid 19, gets vaccinated, then aren’t those people safe from Covid 19? If so, then why does everyone else need to get the vaccine? If the vaccine makes you safe, then how can you get it from a person that has not been vaccinated? Secondly, the data for Covid 19 is hugely inaccurate. Every positive is a case, so one human being tested multiple times becomes multiple cases. Nurses and doctors are revealing that patients in the hospital are tested daily, and every time the test comes… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Dianespeaks

The reason they want to mandate vaccines is they want to guilt you into taking a vaccine because vaccines DO NOT WORK for the majority of people!!

Example: “If your UNVACCINATED kid makes MY VACCINATED kid sick” I’ll be angry at you!! Remember that one from the H1N1 flu? If your vaccinated kid got sick from an unvaccinated kid, THE VACCINE DIDN’T WORK!! Or it was a different strain of flu!! DUH!!

My NOT getting the cv-19 vaccine will NOT protect YOU, it ONLY has the POSSIBILITY to protect ME!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dianespeaks

My thought exactly… the one about letting those who WANT to get vaccinated… get vaccinated. Those who DON’T then… are only endangering themselves. Problem solved. The fact that those “in power” and those in positions to make money off of this, ignore this simple logic tells you everything you need to know about their true motives.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dianespeaks

When anyone mandates anything for or on me, I REJECT, I REFUSE, MY FINAL ANSWER IS AN ABSOLUTE NO. Do not be fooled. So-called “democracy” is simply a form of slavery. Even if the “majority” is not lied to or manipulated, your life does not belong to “the majority”. Where the hell do humans get the notion that the majority of their neighbors own them? That’s psychotic! That’s insane! What passes for “science” these days is utter nonsense. I flat out refuse to obey ANYONE. Or EVERYONE. EVER. Got it? Sheesh! What’s wrong with humans? You have no business telling… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by bootstrap
Capt Danger
Capt Danger
3 years ago

Why is Dershowitz still on television when he should be in jail? This makes no sense to me. He is on the flight manifests. Survivors have placed him and Clinton on Epstein Island. Why are they not arrested?

3 years ago

Dershowitz’s main method of argument appears to be gaslighting and diversion -which he is very good at – but he still lost this one badly. Kennedy had too many facts at his disposal. What’s Alan’s agenda? Also, he tried to entrap Kennedy into saying Kennedy would outlaw the Flu vaccines, which was a filthy trick but thankfully Kennedy didn’t fall for it. I was impressed by that. Then Dershowitz shows his real agenda. At 1:13:20 he says “in a democracy the courts have the final word.” What does “democracy” mean Alan? Rule by courts? I thought the people had the… Read more »

Mary Mumper
Mary Mumper
3 years ago

Thank GOD for Robert Kennedy Jr..! He appears to truly care about mankind and children. He is knowledgeable and informed. We need moral people, Kennedy certainly appears to be moral. Mr. Dershowitz defended O Jay Simpson, and I believe he was an attorney for Mr. Epstein. Mr. Dershowitz seems to be quite pleased to force people to be vacinated. Mr. Dershowitz says we are a Democracy, when in fact we are a Constitutional Republic.A Constitutional Republic protects the minority, it does not accept majority opinion. Mr. Dershowitz appears to support totalitarianism. The science is NOT clear on the masks and… Read more »

3 years ago

When big pharma becomes liable for injuries from their vaccines, I will CONSIDER getting vaccines. Until then, NO!!

3 years ago

If you want to know more about vaccines, go to https://thetruthaboutvaccines.com/ and sign up for their next free docuseries on vaccines.

3 years ago

Here’s some great material which sheds light on the dangers of vaccination: Robert Kennedy Jr., lawyer and vaccine safety spokesperson (he has a speech impediment, so be attentive to his words) breaks the silence about the powerful lobby of Pharmaceutical manufacturers and vaccine producers to censor ‘the peer reviewed scientific research which shows lack of proper safety testing of vaccine programs’.  https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-trial-catastrophe-moderna-vaccine-has-20-serious-injury-rate-in-high-dose-group/ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/05-22-20_Moderna_Vaccine_News_and_Views-1024×534.jpg Vaccine Trial Catastrophe: Moderna Vaccine has 20% ‘Serious’ Injury Rate in High Dose Group • Children’s Health Defense Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “serious adverse event”… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Bill
2 years ago

Mr Kennedy won hands down and dismantled Alan’s arguments with facts about vaccine safety and moreso, the drug companies rank criminality down the through the decades.
Alan kept coming back with hypotheticals as that’s all he had left, he couldn’t come back with ONE fact in favour of forced injections as RFK destroyed every point he made.
Thanks for all you are doing Mr Kennedy.