UK Arrests Journalist on Terrorist Charges After He Criticized Israel and Terrorist Law

David Medhurst, video screenshot

Independent journalist Richard Medhurst was detained for 24 hours by cops at Heathrow airport under counter-terrorism laws – presumably, he believes, for his reporting on Israel and Gaza. He also criticized the Terrorism Act of 2000 that chills free speech just before he got on the plane and then got arrested under the Terrorism Act upon landing! He was accused of “expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization,” but they would not explain what that means; he is under investigation and could be sentenced up to 14 years in prison.

Other journalists who have been arrested in the UK and have had their speech include Julian Assange, Kit Klarenberg, Craig Murray, and Vanessa Beeley. Journalist Glenn Greenwald’s late husband and former Brazilian politician David Miranda, who was instrumental in revealing the Edward Snowden leak, was also detained in the UK under the same law that Medhurst was arrested for. Miranda successfully sued the UK government, arguing that the law did not apply to those participating in journalism.


On Monday, independent UK-based journalist Richard Medhurst posted a video saying that he was arrested at London’s Heathrow Airport on Thursday and held for nearly 24 hours under the Terrorism Act 2000.

The arrest and detainment of Medhurst and several other journalists stems from the case against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, activist, organizer, and commentator Misty Winston told Sputnik’s The Critical Hour on Tuesday.

“This is the Assange effect. I hate to bring it back to Julian Assange, but I think that is a crucial part of this puzzle here,” Winston argued. “We saw what they did to Julian Assange and we saw the way that opened up the door for this type of behavior and for other journalists to be targeted this way.”

Assange’s Wikileaks released a video named “Collateral Murder” in 2010, which showed US helicopters firing on Iraqi citizens and medical personnel. A few months later, Swedish prosecutors issued the first arrest warrant for Assange, accusing him of sexual assault. Assange denied the accusations and the investigation was eventually dropped but that kicked off a 14-year saga that saw the publisher be confined for over 12 years, first in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for nearly eight years and then more than four years in the UK’s notorious Belmarsh Prison.

Assange was released in June of this year after signing a plea deal with the United States, which was seeking his extradition on espionage charges. By that time, according to his family, his health had seriously deteriorated. He has rarely been seen in public since.

Like Assange, Medhurst was critical of the Western empire and the military-industrial complex. As were other journalists who have recently been detained by UK authorities, including Kit Klarenberg, Craig Murray, and Vanessa Beeley, all of whom have been arrested or detained by authorities in recent months.

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Journalist Glenn Greenwald’s late husband and former Brazilian politician David Miranda, who was instrumental in revealing the Edward Snowden leak, was also detained in the UK under the same law that Medhurst was arrested for. Miranda successfully sued the UK government, arguing that the law did not apply to those participating in journalism.

However, the law has since been amended to include “expresses an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed (deemed a terrorist) organization,” if “in doing so is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organization.”

“This is not the first time that this has happened, but it is going. As I said when the Assange stuff was going on, this will continue to get worse. They have opened Pandora’s box,” explained Winston. “They’ve normalized this attack on journalism. And so it is going to continue. We’re going to see more and more journalists being censored, being arrested, being imprisoned, all of those things. And it’ll continue until we start to stand up and say, no, thank you. We don’t want this.”

Beyond simply attempting to imprison or intimidate the individual journalists being harassed, these actions have a larger goal of intimidating journalists worldwide, in what is known as the “chilling effect.”

“Really, [Assange] was just the proverbial head on a stake outside the castle walls. They wanted to send a message that if you dare to criticize the empire, this is what we will do to you,” explained Winston.

Earlier this month, former UN weapons inspector and frequent Sputnik radio guest and columnist Scott Ritter’s house was raided by the FBI on alleged Foreign Agent Registry Act (FARA) violations. Ritter has denied the charges.

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Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
17 days ago


17 days ago
Reply to  Milton Farrow

If you disagree with Blumenthal’s position, then you haven’t seen the truth about Israel (the who, how and why the state was created in the first place and what the agenda is), and what is really unfolding yet.

tom ball
tom ball
17 days ago

You can criticize anyone or even blaspheme , as the recent Olympic ceremony demonstrate. But you dare not criticize Jewish people or they will come for you, no matter how small and powerless you are. What will it take for the public to realize this pattern. It’s right out there in front of their collective faces and they still don’t get it. And for God’s sake forget about Hitler and WWII. I’m talking about NOW. People are willing to give up their wives. children, their welfare and their country just to avoid being called a “racist” , an “anti-Semite” ,… Read more »

mike Rippee
mike Rippee
17 days ago
Reply to  tom ball

*”There is no such thing as ;”hate-speech”. You either have freedom of speech or you don’t.”

*The truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

17 days ago

Unbelievable…I will pray for this man. He speaks the TRUTH.

Don't fall to the radical islam brainwash
Don't fall to the radical islam brainwash
16 days ago
Reply to  Motown

It’s wierd he never mentioned in his reports why HAMAS are fighting wearing track suits and regular clothes even though they have army uniforms. (and by doing so they breaking one of the fundamental premises of the Geneva Conventions).

Somtimes telling a little piece from a bigger truth is worse than lying.

16 days ago

Do you think this might have a little bit to do with the moronic British public allowing themselves to be totally disarmed? The tradition of an armed public to defend their rights originated in the United Kingdom hundreds of years before the United States was even formed. The militia originated in large part in the United Kingdom. And it also seems to have died there.

15 days ago

only way out of this tyranny is common law

Andrea Plamondon
Andrea Plamondon
14 days ago

“Asia Times” had an interesting article about the political ramifications of the alliance between Russia, Iran and China, but the one thing Russia and China have in common is the concern about the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism (since Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world) Islam has been influencing the Western governments through its various organizations ie Muslim Brotherhood, Cair, etc. and indeed the charismatic Obama was a big fan of Islam. Currently, the UK is arresting its own people for posting about the crimes of migrants on facebook, but is very lenient on the actual crimes. UK… Read more »

Last edited 14 days ago by Andrea Plamondon