Ex-Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Blows Whistle: ‘No Evidence’ the COVID Viruses ‘Actually Exists’

Created image of "COVID virus". Unsplash

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, has stated that there is “no evidence” that COVID-19 “actually exists.” He joined a growing number of scientists who assert that there is no sufficient evidence that either the COVID-19 virus or any other virus exists. If there is no evidence that viruses exist, there is no evidence to support a pandemic during the COVID era. He said that the pandemic was a planned attack by governments to kill people. Yeadon says that COVID mRNA injections are intended to “maim and kill deliberately.”

Researcher Christine Massey has made Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to hundreds of scientific institutions in 40 different countries and none were able to provide any record showing “anyone in the world ever finding this alleged (SARS-CoV-2) virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever.”


Pfizer’s former vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, Dr. Michael Yeadon, has blown the whistle to warn that there is “no evidence” that COVID-19 “actually exists.”

Yeadon joined a growing number of top scientists who are speaking out to assert there is no sufficient evidence that either the COVID-19 virus or any other virus exists.

As a result, there was never any evidence to support a pandemic during the Covid era.

Despite this, Yeadon says the Covid pandemic led to the killing of many with “a monstrous, long-planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning.”

“Face it. The evidence is that our governments hate us and want us dead,” the retired executive said in a statement.

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Yeadon spent over 30 years working for the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

He rose to the most senior research position in his field at Pfizer before resigning in 2011.

Yeadon left Pfizer to start his own biotech company, Ziarco, which he later sold to Novartis in 2017.

The British scientist is well-known for his acute criticism of the COVID-19 “supranational operation.”

Since the pandemic, he has been speaking out to warn the public that Covid mRNA injections are intended to “maim and kill deliberately.”

In a 2022 interview, Yeadon shared that as a result of conversations with fellow scientists.

The scientists came to the conclusion that virology itself was based on the unestablished premise that “viruses” actually exist.

And after significant personal research he eventually “realized over time” he could “no longer maintain” his “understanding of respiratory viruses.”

After obtaining further information, this “collapsed the possibility that respiratory viruses, as described, exist at all. They don’t,” he concluded.

In recent decades, some medical scientists have pointed out that “no particle has ever been sequenced, characterized, studied with valid controlled experiments and shown to fit the definition of a virus.”

Therefore, virology “has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements to prove” viruses even exist.

Furthermore, Canadian researcher Christine Massey has made Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to hundreds of scientific institutions in 40 different countries.

The requests are “asking for any records of anyone in the world ever finding this alleged (SARS-CoV-2) virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever.”

“To date, we have responses from 216 different institutions in 40 different countries,” she said.

“And so far, no one has been able to provide us with even one record.”

“They can’t cite any record,” she notes.

“So they have all admitted that they don’t have a sample of the alleged virus and they don’t even know of anyone else who ever did obtain a sample of this alleged virus.”

Massey and her colleagues followed up to make similar FOIA requests seeking “any record of any alleged virus that supposedly infects humans being purified from a sick person.

“And they admitted that they didn’t have any whatsoever.”

Yeadon was asked by world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough to respond to a statement defending the dominant view that viruses have been demonstrated to exist.

He provided an extended reply seeking to offer readers further challenging arguments to consider for themselves.

In proposing one point in his reasoning, McCullough said:

“For those who are kind of denying the presence of the (COVID-19) virus, I think we’re approaching 300,000 peer-reviewed papers on the topic.

“I mean, this is a mountain of evidence to dismiss out of hand.”

Yeadon replied, proposing:

My initial concerns are mainly with the attempt to pretend that lots of papers asserting the same unproven thing bolsters the unproven claim. It simply doesn’t.

Back in the day when people thought the earth was stationary and the sun orbited earth, had there then been ‘peer reviewed papers’, all the reviewers would pass papers on earth centric systems.

The numbers don’t make it correct.

Merely that once group think sets in, almost everyone will interpret evidence in that light.

This continues until unequivocal evidence emerges to counter the errors of thinking.

Yeadon, a doctoral expert in respiratory pharmacology and a specialist in toxicology, argues that the Covid pandemic was a crime against humanity that should be viewed as an attack.

Read full article here…

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1 month ago

IMHO, lies from the thieves! Thanks for blowing the whistle after four years but better late than never!

Brittany Best
Brittany Best
1 month ago

I’ve heard this theory but I’m curious as to what made people sick before the jabs were administered?

Hat Bailey
Hat Bailey
1 month ago
Reply to  Brittany Best

I believe they used microwave radiation to create the pockets of heavy illness, mostly among the more vulnerable elderly or health compromised, along with the usual seasonal flu bug. Then just exaggerated the numbers using the controlled media and medical mafia machine.

Last edited 1 month ago by Hat Bailey
1 month ago
Reply to  Hat Bailey

Electromagnetic fields are always causing illness without them doing anything, there’s much evidence that they introduced toxins reptile neurotoxins in particular in order to produce these symptoms in many areas.

1 month ago
Reply to  Brittany Best

The seasonal flu that they “forgot” to mention in 2021 and with mRNA added to it, it made them doubly sick.

1 month ago
Reply to  Brittany Best

Our entire medical system is based upon fraud and it matters not if we know what caused it that doesn’t automatically mean that it was a virus. There is much more evidence that many diseases are caused by electromagnetic fields, and other countries doctors commonly diagnose electromagnetic illness.
Look up a book called The invisible rainbow on Amazon it goes into absolutely amazing detail of the history of this knowledge.

Hat Bailey
Hat Bailey
1 month ago

I certainly believe it. The nice cgi depictions of the so called “virus” like the one at the head of this article remind me of all the pretty cgi and artist renderings that NASA likes to use while telling their lies about the moon and mars. After all the fake Apollo moon photos and airbrushed cover ups I don’t trust a thing weaponized science has to tell me these days.

terry shead
terry shead
1 month ago

Mike Yeadon spoke the truth all through the Scam, great guy, The Truth

john 77
john 77
1 month ago

Just before to the 2020 year I observed the Flu vax being pushed more than usual onto the public. In govt. healthcare facilities (NY) you were told to mask up if you refused the jab. China, had a goal to get more of it’s population vaxxed for the Flu during the 2019 year. Maybe heavy metals in the bloodstream combined with EMF ?

1 month ago

Kudos to Dr. Yeadon for telling the world the truth about this. Now, let’s have the full truth on all supposed viruses. Do they really exist or is this more lies from the satanic cabal? I suspect it’s more lies.

1 month ago

If the author of this article had dug a little deeper he would find out that the very existence of viruses has never been proven, or that they cause disease, or that they can be transmitted and transmit disease. Our entire medical system is built on fraud and this book documents it spectacularly:



1 month ago

not intended to kill. intended to turn humans into smart devices with graphene.

1 month ago
Reply to  cmdrsocal

Gates is into eugenics, so maybe he was intending to kill!

Boomer Lady
Boomer Lady
1 month ago

I’ve never had the flu in my life, and I’ve also never had the flu shot. My older sister also never had the flu until she got her initial flu shot at 25. After that she began getting the flu most years, so she continued getting the flu shot. It’s not that the shot necessarily causes the flu, but it at least sets up ones body to welcome it. As of now, I haven’t had Covid or the shot, and Covid is a type of flu. My sister has had all the Covid shots and boosters and she says she… Read more »