$2.2 Billion for Power Grid ‘Upgrade’ Will Fund Artificial Intelligence for Surveillance State


The US Department of Energy is allocating $2.2 billion to upgrade the power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather and to accomodate more renewable energy that includes unreliable wind and solar. The real reason for needing upgraded capacity is the expected growth in electricity demand stemming from the massive new data centers to support the growth of generative artificial intelligence (AI) that creates text, images, videos, or other data using generative models.


The U.S. Department of Energy is allocating $2.2 billion in grants for upgrades of the power grid to make it more resilient to extreme weather events and accommodate more renewable energy.

Oilprice.com reports that the jolt of federal funding will add to private-sector financing to support eight grid upgrade projects across 18 states.

According to the Biden administration, the DOE funding is expected to support the construction of more than 600 miles of new transmission lines and the upgrade of about 400 miles of existing lines so that they can carry more current.

This has nothing to do with hardening the power grid in a way that could withstand an EMP attack by Russia or China.

Experts such as the late EMP Taskforce Director Dr. Peter Pry have been calling for this kind of upgrade for years (you can read about Dr. Pray’s warnings here from the Center for Security Policy).

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Instead, what do we get? A so-called upgrade that will place more emphasis on more expensive and less reliable renewable energy, i.e. wind and solar.

This is a sham project that panders to climate alarmists instead of listening to national security realists in the vein of Dr. Pry.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement carried by Reuters:

“The first half of 2024 has already broken records for the hottest days in Earth’s history, and as extreme weather continues to hit every part of the country, we must act with urgency to strengthen our aging grid.”

U.S. utilities and regulators have raised significantly their forecasts of peak power demand in the coming decade, but that has almost nothing to do with climate change.

The real reason for needing upgraded capacity is the expected exponential growth in electricity demand stemming from the massive new data centers being built all over the country to support the growth of generative AI.

AI uses an incredible amount of electricity to collect, process and store information 24/7 in real time. These AI data centers also require a tremendous amount of water resources to keep the computers cooled.

This is part of the cost of living in the growing global AI-powered surveillance state. And it’s a cost almost nobody is talking about.

Not only will we lose all privacy. We will pay for our own enslavement in the form of higher taxes and utility bills.

An elderly British man was arrested recently in the city of Hampshire for a social media post mocking the transgender flag.

A viral video shows officers showing up at the man’s home to arrest him, with one officer telling him, “Someone has been caused anxiety based on your social media post. And that is why you’re being arrested.”

And lest you think this was a one off, not part of a pattern, here’s a video of another British senior citizen being hauled off to jail for something he posted to Facebook that apparently hurt someone’s feelings.

Think this can never happen in America? I’m sure most Brits thought it could never happen there, either.

In fact, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted in the wide open that the U.S. government has a plan in place to use artificial intelligence to monitor and censor the free speech of everyday Americans. I reported on that in an article posted one month ago on July 2 in which you can read Blinken’s chilling comments. Or, watch him on video below (fast-forward to the 3-minute mark).


Blinken bluntly stated the federal government’s intention to use AI for ”media monitoring” and “using it to combat disinformation, one of the poisons of the international system today.”

All of these intrusions are going to be enabled by an “upgraded” power grid.

What’s the solution?

  • For starters, cancel or render inactive your accounts with Facebook, Instagram, Google-YouTube and most of the other big corporate social media accounts. All of the big corporate players in this space are cooperating with the government to censor and ultimately punish those who challenge the globalist narratives on everything from vaccines to wars, abortion and euthanasia, election integrity issues, immigration and border issues, and their sacred LGBTQ issues.

  • Moreover, we must get past our American propensity to always gravitate to the highest and newest technology. What’s fastest and most convenient is not always what’s safest and most conducive to a free society.

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Boomer Lady
Boomer Lady
1 month ago

If there were wind and solar energy generations on every foot of the U.S. it wouldn’t generate enough electricity capacity to run AI projects. When it all fails, this might be the impetus to return to sanity energy policies.