‘Patriot Front’ Group Marches in Nashville, Is Accused of Being Government Agents

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Multiple conservatives have claimed that the Patriot Front is not a real right-wing group, including podcaster Joe Rogan, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Senator Mike Lee. The federal government has a long history of creating ‘extremists’ through entrapment and the government infiltrates groups that oppose it (Jan 6 is a good example of this problem). Critics suggest Patriot Front is controlled opposition and is used to support the false narrative by the FBI that white supremacy is the largest threat to the US. Patriot Front members wear masks to keep from being identified and the mainstream media has zero interest in doxxing them or their employers and ruining their lives as has been done with other groups.


Feds on Parade.

The famed Patriot Front boys marched in Nashville, Tennessee over the holiday weekend for some reason.

The boys wore their custom facemasks, blue shirts, and khakis.

The members were carrying shields, banners, US and Confederate flags.

The legacy media describes them as a “right-wing group”. We describe them as feds.

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They marched through Nashville chanting with one member banging a drum.

This appears to be a waste of tax dollars.
Maybe they were hoping to change the subject after Joe Biden’s big debate flop.

Every once in a while, they get unmasked.

Read full article here…


Excerpt from Newsweek:

Theories About the Patriot Front

Multiple conservatives have claimed that the Patriot Front is not a real right-wing group, with podcaster Joe Rogan previously suggesting they may be federal agents in disguise.

In 2022, he said: “They just pop up outta nowhere with the same sized flags, the same outfits, goose-stepping—in an orderly line? Who organized this? I’m calling b*******”

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene had similar thoughts, saying they “march around in their stupid masks.”

Utah Senator Mike Lee said after the weekend: “I’ve never heard of this group. Any chance this is a false flag operation?

“I’d love to know—does anyone out there know anyone who is part of this group? Has anyone ever heard of it?”

He went on to question the group’s uniformity, saying it “hardly has the feel of a grassroots, patriotic group.”

Newsweek:     https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/patriot-front-march-in-nashville-what-we-know/ar-BB1pyCGf

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Terry Adams
Terry Adams
7 months ago

It looks like a Klan meeting except with different style hoods…

7 months ago

Congress needs to pass the law that ANYONE with face masks is jailed for 120 days and fined $10,000. And a $1M bond This mask stuff is ( D ) communistic.

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
7 months ago

If they aren’t going to fight back when being “demasked” then they’re not worth much anyway.One of the fellows yanking the masks off was himself wearing a mask! So just where are the Feds? I listened to the founder doing an interview with a well known Iranian who does podcasts. He articulated his arguments fairly well for being so young and maintained his composure despite being repeatedly accused of being “white first”. I pointed out to him in a letter that the Indians wanted the British out of India and the Iranians deposed the Shah. It appears that none of… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by Tom Ball
7 months ago

CIA, FBI, or another part of the globalist cabal is my guess. The fact that they’re wearing masks tells you they don’t want to be identified. No way is this a group of men who are patriots & who love America. I agree that it needs to be unlawful to wear masks in public.

Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
7 months ago

I think this was the group of which Joe Rogan had expressed his skepticism a while back. His best question had been something to the effect of “Where are the fat people?!” It looks like a pathetic attempt by the rogue federal agencies to stage another FEDsurrection-type situation. If there aren’t any actual right-wing extremists causing problems, why not just create your own?

7 months ago

The next time they march, follow a few of them afterward to see where they go. Get the make/model and license plate numbers of their vehicles. Get their addresses. Look up property ownership. Check the names on their mail. Stake out their houses and follow them to see where they work. If they turn out to be feds, dox them.

7 months ago

OMG, they are SOOOOO obviously NOT one of “us.” We do not HIDE behind masks and act like an army! What a joke!!! Anyone ever been to a Trump rally and seen anyone like this in the crowd? I would be willing to bet not. GFY Feds, we are onto you.

7 months ago

It should not be too hard to investigate. They need to get permits to march don’t they? They also seem to get an ok from the police chief or mayor in the city they’re in.

When ever arrested the masks always come off, and we see them next to police with their masks still on. You can also allow the march but forbid masks!

Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
7 months ago

the 20 some odd fbi agents stirring up trouble in the Jan 6th matter need be brought before congress, identified and held to account