Marc Morano Says the UN COP28 Climate Conference Is ‘The Great Reset’ Summit

US Clooimate Envoy John Kerry, Youtube screenshot

Political policy expert Marc Morano explains how elites are imposing destructive climate policies on the public that override government and eliminates input from the public. He said that COP28 is ‘The Great Reset’ summit. US Climate Envoy John Kerry announced the end of coal production in the West. UN representatives are pushing a petition to severely limit natural gas usage in the US. In addition to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the United Nations is also pushing for a plastics treaty to reduce plastic use that will create plastic shortages and lead to an explosion in price. These UN treaties, plus Net Zero, are being used to crush the West.


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Summary by JW WIlliams

COP28 is the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Marc Morano, a former Republican political aide who founded, called COP28 ‘The Great Reset’ summit.

Morano explained that Net Zero climate policies are being foisted on the public without the benefit of the democratic process, a model ushered in using ’emergency’ COVID policies set by the United Nations. A similar tactic is being used to get rid of gas powered cars that overrides government and eliminates input from the public. It is simply imposed under a UN treaty.

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The merger of public and private sectors enable the bypass any democratic process by government.

US Climate Envoy John Kerry announced the end of coal production in the West, especially in the US, while ignoring China’s massive coal production that accounts for 50% of the world’s coal production. Kerry flew to the COP28 meeting in Dubai on a private jet.

UN representatives are pushing a petition to limit natural gas usage in the US is also being circulated at COP28.


Morano said that climate lockdowns are real: France has banned flights longer than two and a half hours long.
Another climate ‘guidance’ that focuses on America aims to reduce meat consumption by 90% through restrictions on methane. Morano said that it will be implemented without a vote as giant agri-businesses will collude with the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations.
Family-run farms were shut down in the Netherlands under Net Zero policies and the Paris Accord while large agri-businesses remained because they could afford to comply with climate regulations.
Bill Gates announced that farms are not needed anymore as he wants the western world to eat synthetic meat created in labs and processed through 3D printers. Gates advocates for laboratories over farms while at the same time he is the single largest farmland owner in the US. Jeff Bazos also owns massive farmlands.
Due to burdensome regulations, farmers have sold their farms to Bill Gates, who acts as a landlord, and while the farmers can stay and work the land, they will not own it. The system is designed for billionaires and corporations to own property and means of production.

Meat was served at the conference while the elites push the consumption of bugs on the public.
The rationing food, energy, and transportation limiting movement, along with crashing economic growth, is designed to destroy the middle class and make people dependent on government and reliant on a universal basic income (UBI).
In addition to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the United Nations is also pushing for a plastics treaty to reduce plastic use that will create plastic shortages, lead to an explosion in price,  and will affect all levels of society. These UN treaties, plus Net Zero, are being used to crush the West.
Morano recommends removing the US from the Paris Accord, the United Nations COP climate agenda and denouncing Net Zero.

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Tom Ball
Tom Ball
1 year ago

This isn’t about protecting the climate. It’s one more means to remove the US as an obstacle to global rule by the “elite” (multi-billionaires).
They have been conducting an undeclared, non-conventional WAR against the US for decades.

Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
1 year ago

The UN is a nongovernmental organization (NGO). Sovereign governments must start acting independently of NGOs instead of sucking up to them. Governments are accountable to their citizens, not to corrupt special-interest NGOs.