The French TV show “Touche Pas à Mon Poste” invited Gérard Fauré aka “the ex-dealer of Paris” to discuss the bizarre actions of a French comedian. He ended up shocking the panel by claiming that major celebs consume adrenochrome to remain young.
Touche Pas à Mon Poste (TPMP) is a highly popular French TV show where guests are invited to discuss current events. In the past weeks, one event captured the attention of French media: The car accident of comedian Pierre Palmade and the revelations that ensued.
Here’s a quick summation of what happened:
On 10 February 2023, Palmade was responsible for causing a car accident, colliding head-on with another vehicle traveling on the other lane near Villiers-en-Bière in the south of Seine-et-Marne. Palmade was sent to the hospital in critical condition at the Kremlin-Bicêtre’s hospital but recovered the next day, and his life was no longer in danger. The other car was carrying a pregnant woman, her brother-in-law, the driver of the vehicle, and his six-year-old child. Due to trauma of the accident, the 27-year-old woman was taken to the hospital, where she had an emergency cesarean section. Her seven-months old baby died.
– Wikipedia, Pierre Palmade
Following the car accident, it was revealed that two people fled Palmade’s car. They were “escort boys”, young prostitutes Palmade had hired to engage in chem sex with. Furthermore, Palmade tested positive for enormous doses of cocaine and other drugs.
To make things worse, a few days later, people close to Palmade accused him of viewing and possessing pedophilic pornographic material which prompted the launch of an investigation. In other words, Palmade was involved in typical occult elite degeneracy.
To discuss this affair, the French TV show TPMP invited a guest who knows all about this degeneracy: Gérard Fauré.
Dubbed “l’ancien dealer de Tout-Paris” (the ex-dealer of Paris), Fauré sold drugs to prominent French figures, including celebrities and politicians. In 2016, Fauré started publishing controversial books that claimed to unveil the secrets of people he used to deal with – mainly in politics and showbusiness. The charges include massive consumption of drugs (mainly cocaine), sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, child trafficking, murders, and assassinations.
When Fauré was invited to discuss the Palmade affair on TPMP, things got VERY real. Here’s part of the interview (it’s in French).
During the interview, Fauré stated that he attended a party at Palmade’s house and was disturbed by the number of young boys in attendance. Then, after stating that Palmade consumed copious amounts of cocaine along with MDMA and amphetamines, Fauré said that he might also be into adrenochrome as well – a statement that was followed by massive gasps in the studio.
Another guest (who seemed less outraged than the others) stated that the adrenochrome “conspiracy theory” is rather plausible. She explained that the substance is extracted from children’s blood and is consumed by rich and powerful people to remain youthful.
Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example. In recent months, Fauré stated that Dion’s mysterious degenerative illness was due to her abusive consumption of adrenochrome.
When asked by an incredulous guest where these sacrificed children come from, Fauré answered that they’re mainly kidnapped. He stated that over 58,000 children are kidnapped in France every year and that only two-thirds are found. He then asked: Where is the remaining third?
Later, Fauré stated that he testified in a case where a woman was looking to sell her daughter to an adrenochrome lab in Dijon. Seemingly on a roll, he added that Yves St-Laurent and other people in the fashion industry were pedo criminals.
When Fauré mentioned the name of France’s President Emmanuel Macron, the interview was cut short. One can only wonder what he was about to say.
Its shocks you? this happens.
Biggest Coke Dealer, Pedo Hunter and Hitman
Faure says French President macron is a vacuum cleaner – coke addict at 3:14:30. He attacks Macron all the time, but Macron never pursues him.
It’s known in the political world that saying nothing works quite well to diffuse ones critics. That doesn’t mean they aren’t true.
Modern Celebrities have become overtly and unpleasantly superficial. Once upon a time an actress could be an elegant inspirational role model. Slowly but surely they have become nastier and uglier and more transparently ignorant. Maybe God is trying to tell something to those with Eyes to See of any and all religions except that one that apparently controls Hollywood?