Dutch Government Plans Confiscate Land from Farmers Using Nitrogen ‘Crisis’ as Excuse

Eva Vlaardingerbroek, reporting from the Netherlands. Youtube
Eva Vlaardingerbroek, reporting from the Netherlands, said that the Dutch government has plans to force 600 farmers to sell their land and get out of the farming business in the next year. Some farms have been in families for generations. She said that the government’s claim of a nitrogen crisis is actually a manufactured crisis used to expropriate the land. She indicated that the land will be used to aid the housing crisis caused by mass immigration. She added that the ruling elite don’t want people to have an independent food supply or eat meat. She railed against the government trying to take away people’s rights, their property, damaging the food supply and the danger of rising fuel costs to prevent freezing to death this winter. The leftist media vilifies farmers and protesters as ‘racist.’

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Tom Ball
Tom Ball
2 years ago

And isn’t it odd how Creepy Joe was able to predict food shortages in advance of all this despite his advancing senility. Either he or Kamela are soothsayers or he’s privy to information our illustrious dictators won’t admit to. If one didn’t know better, with all the ‘suspicion’ surrounding covid and talk of implants, tales of climate doom that will require global carbon credits connected to digital ids, digital money controlled by global banks, threats of nuclear war, and possibly deadly never seen before viruses (which aren’t manufactured in China) , that someone at the top doesn’t like us peasants,… Read more »

2 years ago

I hope that people understand that elections are NEVER going to fix this. It is going to take something most are not prepared to face.

2 years ago

This is one of the reasons we have the Second Amendment in the US…
(((they))) only understand one thing.

W. Layer
W. Layer
2 years ago

Dutch farmers are vilified a racist by a govt that hates its most productive citizens. “Racist”?? The cry of “racism” is the first refuge of a scoundrel.