CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’
Fast forward thirty years, and there’s no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow.
From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.
Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It’s a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don’t even know that they don’t know that they don’t know what’s happening. To quote one former anarchist.
In the grand scheme of things, humanity has perjured themselves and life as we know it has morphed into a sort of science-fiction, soap-opera with few common ancestors to reality. Even right-thinking folks require the equivalent of a cerebral chainsaw to hollow out the slew of implausible narratives into something remotely resembling reality. It goes beyond fiction to predictive programming. They’re not just deceiving you; they’re showing you that they’re deceiving you.
What is neither here nor there to the deceived is the track record of their deceivers. Before the ink dried on the newsprint proclaiming the crisis in-waiting, the falsifications of COVID were buried under the falsehoods of war, Zelensky’s standing ovation at Westminster knocked Pfizer data’s release off the rostrum and those formerly joined at the hip to COVID got hitched to their Ukrainian brides.
This entire fiasco holds water because what people think they know for sure, that just ain’t so, is a consensus. A preponderance of fabrications, falsehoods and false prophets governs the spiritual milieu. People worship the prosaic and glorify artifice. Our moral choices are guided by platitude and not virtue, anecdote and not evidence.
To complicate matters, what was formerly held sacred has become profane and what was formerly profane has become sacred, to quote Robert Sepehr.
There’s a war raging, alright, but you will find its theatre of operations inside the human psyche. It is a war on consciousness, an atrophy of culture and its stark consequences is the spiritual malaise of humanity.
Freemasons, for one, understood that information was power. Concealing beyond the prying eyes of the lower orders, the esoteric mysteries of the universe.
Then as now, it’s not enough for these people to hold a monopoly over knowledge, they must deprive everyone else of its illumination, or go one further and spread ignorance. It goes beyond censoring counterarguments to fomenting falsehoods, It’s not so much societal breakdown but self-immolation. People are being misinformed and stupefied and sent out as agents of disinformation to further deconstruct what’s left of an already deconstructed reality.
To make matters worse, precisely zero lessons have been learned these past two years. People flounder from one crisis to the next. Walk aimlessly from quarantine camp to air-raid shelter into whichever direction their political higher-ups point them, to deride whoever is nominated as the scourge of society, de jour. The great national pastime is to gather at the pillories and hurl cabbages at anti-vaxxers, Russians, (insert your antihero: here).
The Infowar
If all this sounds remarkably like an info-war, then it probably is.
The battle for hearts and minds has moved online. Our divine spark of life is being overhauled to data. Something of divine proportions compels us to the internet, to data – our daily bread (and circuses), our digital avatars living richer, more meaningful lives than their truant owners.
What ceases to be worth the candle is the epistemology of our data.
It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on – a card carrying member of the great awakening or useful idiot on the lockdown left, you’re still part of the same problem. You have been taken hostage by a series of narratives laid on with a shovel by the predator class and designed for the sole purpose of keeping you rapt and not informed, sedentary and not spirited. In the world of algorithms everyone is created equal, and data is just data, there’s no morality to it.
These events play out as a nail-biting whodunnit, but the reality is, they’re not supposed to be solved. There’s no answers nor restitution, it’s your awareness and not your belief systems which is being harvested.
What these hellhounds want is for you to pick your side, choose your battle, but make sure your battlelines are social media, and that you’re not throwing Molotov cocktails at the Tower of Babel.
Everyone has a dog in the fight. Particularly, those baying for the blood of the unvaccinated or calling for violence against Russians, who do so, according to Voltaire, because those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.
It’s quite simple really. If a person’s psyche is under siege and they don’t designate an enemy to scapegoat, they might get wise to who’s really attacking them, and that simply wouldn’t do.
In this theatre of the absurd people acclimatise to fiction because it’s easier than confronting uncomfortable truths. But under these fertile conditions any version of reality, no matter how precarious, will wash. That’s where the Great Reset enters the fray.
Once you desecrate a person’s moralistic and cultural maps of the world, their place in it becomes increasingly untenable. People lose touch with reality and what it means to be human. The ensuing crisis of identity leaves them susceptible to hostile takeover. Amongst other things that could possibly go wrong is the eventual microchipping of the population and brain machine interfaces.
Predictive Programming
But there are even stranger things brewing. Predictive Programming is the theory of a hidden hand operating the levers of reality. A sort of reality adjustment bureau obfuscating real world events through film, literature, and media manipulation. The fundamental principle here is psychological conditioning that reduces people’s resistance to the acceptance of planned future events and encourages them to swap concrete reality structures for static constructs, until eventually, our inherited world view is replaced by mythos and archetypes.
That we are living through the objectification of the predator class is no moot point. That’s their messiah complex imprinted onto the collective consciousness and projected back onto the real world. By their own volition, the masses are breathing life into these grotesqueries and blotting the social fabric.
Revelation of the Method
But it runs even deeper than predictive programming. Some call this Revelation of the Method.
According to Michael Hoffman: first they suppress the counterargument, and when the most opportune time arrives, they reveal aspects of what’s really happened, but in a limited hangout sort of way.
“Everything is going as I have foreseen.” Emperor Palapatine. Only there is no Jedi to save you all. There is no Jedi because as a whole you all are not choosing to be Jedi. The story of para human saviors is not esoteric. In fact it is ingrained and propagated by those who have wrote and disseminated such dependency fairy tails assuredly and factually for their own gain. The LOVE of POWER. Consolidation and control through centralization and collectivism. Some where along the line a few generations back it became the norm to relinquish your sovereignty to canned goods and… Read more »
Not all of us “asked for it”. We have largely been a victim of our own IGNORANCE.
And THEY have taken full advantage of the Christian principles of our former “WASP” society in which our hospitality and charity were rooted.
You can see for yourself in present society the results of the abandonment and degradation of those principles.
Ignorance is a choice, perhaps not in the 19th century and before, but surely post industrial era, IGNORANCE (unaware) IS a choice. Do I chose to fit in with the cool kids, do I go along to get along, do I accept the program? Or do I ask why, why, why? What will this action do to the next 3 generations? lateral and critical thinking. “Christian” principles, protestant and the myriad of other denominations I agree are easy to take advantage of, as GOOD behavior, manners, is predictable. Therefor an easy target. “All that is required for evil to succeed… Read more »
Super-well thought out article. Paints the real picture of what we are facing.
Freemasons: World’s Secret Religion or . Mr. Fagan describes (WITH DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE) how this ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government” and how every War during the past two centuries was fomented by this ILLUMINATI. He describes how one Jacob H. Schiff was sent to the United States by the Rothschilds to further the ILLUMINATI plot and how Schiff plotted to get control of both the Democratic and the Republican Parties. How Schiff seduced our Congress and our Presidents to achieve control of our entire Money-System and create the Income Tax CANCER… Read more »
You can discover who the ring leaders are through observation and deduction.
Among the “Goyim” there is always an ample supply who are susceptible to threats and bribes who will gladly play the role of fall guy or “fun monkey” for the sake of lucre.
“Saying it is just the Jews is a massive over simplification because the jews do not have full control of the military industrial complex – they mainly run the financial side of operations and I will say again, they’re not really Jews just as the Saudis are not really Muslim and the West really Christian – they leave that stuff for the fools and use it for divide and rule.” I’ve never said it was JUST the Jews. I merely point to the FACT of their inordinate numbers among the world’s billionaires , the massive control THEY have over the… Read more »
These news-cycles are to OPEN the EYES to see that the world is headed to HELL and that there is ONLY one way to AVOID that final end: SALVATION in JESUS CHRIST! NOT Trump or ElonM NOT Abortion NOT War NOT Government NOT Vaxxines/Healthcare NOT Famines NOT Climate Change NOT ANYTHING or ANYONE BUT JESUS CHRIST It is time, now, to make a choice. If there are any here reading who know the Lord Jesus Christ- please go unto the people to proclaim His Gospel unto salvation… From the book of<b> Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy… Read more »
You left out the gospel Shannon. Then you led people to a website that pushes a false prophet named Peter Ruckman. “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according… Read more »
Once you know how the magician performs the trick, the illusion vanishes. There is reason to be optimistic despite all of the terrible things happening. Even though the predator class tries to keep us off balance by rapidly shifting from one crisis to the next, we have not forgotten about their past and ongoing crimes including the COVID fiasco, the stolen election, the Afghanistan debacle, and the nonstop money printing. A major limitation of running black ops psychological warfare is that your target population eventually figures out that they’re being lied to.
Upside-down World! Being that attacking Christians is so 90’s, the new trend is to attack the last shreds of credibility, of truth, by lumping it in with larger portions of more obvious wackadoo “conspiracy theory”. Just a couple recent examples: or . . . Even this article I found to be a tad slanted in regards to defending what Russia is doing to its neighbor. It appears that there is a large percentage of Western alt media consumers who would cut their nose off to spite their face – their justifiable hatred for their own Globohomo governments has… Read more »
arrogance thats why. their belief that what they want is more important than reality.
The real simple situation without all the fancy(meaning unnecessary) words like episto/e-whatever, is that divide and conquer is being used against us all: Get the various groups and factions fighting amongst themselves, while the weasel powers amass more control and power. Describing it as well has been done (well done for sure) is a great postmortem. However, for those of us who would prefer not to be carted off to the plastic caskets with head rolling behind from the hydraulic guillotines… How best to stimulate the minds, of those who are convinced of that which is not so, into thinking… Read more »
Precisely, but it is only considered a mistake if we do not learn from it. In all truth it would take several life times for any one individual to compile the entire truth of this day and age. This does not even consider the multitude of disinformation propagated into our lives. Divide and Rule is as old as Gaius Julius himself. As is circus and bread. Language is the pinnacle, the most important tool, we possess. It can start a war, or end one and certainly has facilitated both. All tools of productive value can be used destructively be it… Read more »
I’m so thankful for you and others like you who keep us informed. I never dreamed I would live in a time like this!
I suggest the ‘elites’ like to tell us what they are doing before it happens because they think they can make what they plan happen. People who do this are called ‘prophets’, magicians, and sorcerers. The problem is that they cannot 100% make what they plan happen, not even close. For the most part the elite are Satanists, who practice divination in various forms. New Age, Buddhism/Hinduism, YOGA, Transcendental meditation, etc. Satan is real, demons are real, and they will gladly deceive any and all who communicate with them. The elite have ‘spirit guides’ all you have to do is… Read more »