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Summary by JW Williams
John Titus, a patent attorney, electrical engineer and author, said that the Covid pandemic is really a financial event, and not a health crisis. He bases his statement on the timing of the BlackRock meeting with the Federal Reserve (Fed) and other central banks across the world in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on August 22, 2019, in which BlackRock advised the banks on a pre-planned response for the Next Economic Downturn. BlackRock’s presentation detailed how the Fed could increase wholesale public ‘reserve money’ and “go direct” to put the newly created money into the hands of the retail private ‘bank money’ circuit. In less than one month, the new banking crisis materialized in the repo market on September 19, 2019. The Fed followed BlackRock’s plan and increased public reserve money, which, in turn, increased private bank money. In March 2020, the Fed put BlackRock’s plan into overdrive, added $3 trillion, and doubled its balance sheet in the space of a few weeks, causing a mirror image of $3 trillion to be added into retail public bank money in a pre-planned response to a manufactured crisis.
Titus explained the Split Circuit Monetary System in every jurisdiction that consists of the creation of money via two circuits, the ‘private circuit’ where commercial banks create money out of thin air and loan it into existence to non-bank entities and people — and the borrowers pay the money back. The second way that money is created is through the ‘public circuit’ by the Federal Reserve that also creates money out of thin air and the money flows out to other central banks such as the bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Australia, etc. The created money then flows to the US government, the US Treasury, and to commercial banks as users of the money. Titus showed a chart that indicated the the Federal Reserve’s newly-made reserve money also raised the amount of money in the private bank circuit.
Titus played a clip of Augustine Carstens, general manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), in which he expressed his disdain for cash and then revealed plans for central bank digital currencies (CBDC) where they can monitor every dollar and will have the ability to decide if the purchase that an individual wants to make with their electronic money can go through or not.
Titus was very concerned about the loss of rule of law in America and that banks were not prosecuted in the ‘too big to fail’ scandal because it would endanger economic system. He said that the law is now used as a weapon to oppress people. He said that historically the only way to get it back is through revolution.
The second panelist was Richard Werner, a former university professor who created the concept of quantitative easing 1995, which amounts to money printing, and was abused by the central banks. The primary goal of his proposal was to expand bank credit creation for lending for new purchasing power. The bank credit creation can be used for consumption, to buy assets or productive business investment. He intended quantitative easing to be used for productive business investments, which he said leads to economic growth and no inflation. However, bankers used the money to buy assets, driving up the price of assets into bubbles that boom and then burst, resulting in inflation. During these downturns, structural changes in the system are implemented. Using the new money for consumption also leads to inflation. Werner proposes increasing decentralized local community banks to expand bank credit creation to help small business. He also recommended the cooperative movement, which decentralizes banks and places power with local people and values self-administration, self-responsibility and self-initiative, across all industries, not just banking.
Next, Catherine Austin Fitts, a financial expert who served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, described how elites have created ‘engineered inequality’. She explained that vaccine passports are really a digital ID card that can dovetail with the central bank digital currency (CBDC) system that will end of currencies on the retail level. She said that CBDC gives central bankers complete control over transactions, including what you are allowed to buy. Unfortunately, there is not enough public support for freedom because many people believe there really is a pandemic and health care crisis instead of a financial coup d’etat. Centralized control leads to slavery. She supports Richard Werner’s plan to increase small community banks. She recommended starting to turn things around by keeping cash in the system by using only cash on Fridays.
Dr. Mark Skidmore, Professor of Economics at Michigan State University, listed many points of Covid fraud including redefining ‘pandemic’ in order to implement lockdowns and more, inflating the Covid case number using flawed PCR tests, suppressing effective treatments, and listing people who died with Covid as dying from Covid. He said that the only thing that affected the number of Covid fatalities was whether HCQ was made available for treatment, and he estimated that fatalities would be 16% lower if HCQ was used. Nearly all of the social and economic negative impacts were associated with the lockdowns and restrictions, not the illness. His goal is to alert people to the scheme behind the ‘pandemic’ that appears to be a massive deception to achieve a tyrannical goal.
Pat Wood was the last speaker and he explained that in the 1930s, a group of scientists and engineers, mostly from Colombia University, thought capitalism was dead and it was up to them to create a new economic system called ‘technocracy’, which is the only replacement economic system the world has ever known. Built from scratch, it is a resource-based economic system, instead of supply-and-demand, that is very technical and is based on the use of energy instead of money. The name Technocracy has been replaced by Sustainable Development, and it is promoted by the United Nations. Technocracy was defined as the science of social engineering and aimed to control the production and distribution of goods to the entire population. In 2015, UN official Christiana Figueres said,”This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.” This quote shows that the UN targeted free market economics and capitalism for destruction.
The UN supports fintech, which is a basket of technologies including financial technology, blockchain, digital currency, data collection and more. Fintech is the financial system designed to support the new Great Reset and Sustainable Development /NeoTechnocracy. Wood quoted Rosa Koire who described Agenda 21 in this statement: “It is the inventory and control plan for all land, all water, all minerals all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings in the world.”
Wood emphasized the importance of free speech and said that it is up to us individually to speak out and restore belief systems in local communities.
The central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will just be the same garbage fiat money in a new package. I disagree that the solution is for us to move our dollars to small local banks because you’re still playing their game with their unsound money. Bitcoin is the best way out of the fiat money enslavement because it is THE HARDEST CURRENCY the world has ever known. If you like the Austrian school of economics, then you’ll love Bitcoin.
Ragnar are you certain that Bitcoin will be around once these Digital Vaccine Passports are Rolled out World Wide then the Elites/Cabal will destroy the Fisical Currency next they will introduce their own Cryptocurrency which will tie into the Social Credit Score. Remember we are slowly being cooked and by the time the masses find out will be cooked be too late New World Order. This been planned for decades its why America is the only country can do something and sorry to say may be violent.
You bring up a great point, Questionit21. Yes, I am quite confident Bitcoin will endure as the banksters roll out their Orwellian digital vaccine passports and their own CENTRALIZED cryptocurrencies. Since Bitcoin is a DECENTRALIZED cryptocurrency on what is now the largest computer security network in the world, it has no single point of failure like the inferior centralized currencies. El Salvador just made Bitcoin their national currency, and many other nations will soon follow its lead. This is the best way to break the backs of the central banking system and the corrupt governments of the world.
Let’s not conflate the two types of currency. A cryptocurrency is not equivalent to a CBDC. Something like Bitcoin relies on the peer to peer block-chain technology, while the CBDC is fully controlled and centralized. Bitcoin is like the small local banking system with no central authority and some degree of anonymity, while the CBDC is fully controlled and is equivalent to the central banking systems we have come to loath, with the added benefit of extra controls and negative interest rates.
The solution to fight against the takeover of all money, production, etc. is for individuals to take responsibility for how we all spend money. We must always try to localize our spending and also to buy from ever smaller companies who need our support and eliminate products made by conglomerates and mega corporations from our spending patterns. Such solutions will come in the form of using cash, barter, and electronic means, but always with options. When you have options, you are less prone to outside controls by technocrats. With the new medical tyranny we are seeing how they will control… Read more »
Counter economics. I like it. Derrick Broze has a good book about this, which can be found here:
If control were the endgame for Covid, they wouldn’t need the vaccine. No, the endgame of Covid has been to impose the vaccines. The endgame of the vaccines is to kill people, so as to reduce World population, as desired by George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger.
Greetings from New Zealand. This following is what we could do here if Kiwis would get off their backsides and do it HOW TO BRING DOWN AN ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT QUICKLY, LAWFULLY AND NON VIOLENTLY The quickest and easiest way to get rid of an illegitmate government, which is a corporation anway, is to take away its money. Counterspin Media’s video titled âStarve The Beastâ is a good place to start. This from Counterspin’s video of The Howl Of Protestâ is also brilliant! Rob Wilson nails it absolutely. In case anybody thinks Nazional is any better, this,also from… Read more »
We have known about this for over a decade. Have tried to educate legislators, lawyers, county commissioners and town leaders. Dead in the head, they view it as a conspiracy.
Phil Merletti, spokesperson for “Take America Back” and co-founder “Constitution Coalition”