Two Young Adults Die Following Johnson and Johnson Experimental Vaccinations

Health Impact News says that he Johnson and Johnson vaccine is an adenovirus vaccine, and there are currently no approved adenovirus vaccines in the market. The news site says that Johnson and Johnson is now testing their experimental vaccine on the public as part of their Phase 3 trials after receiving an emergency use authorization.

Benjamin Goodman, 32, took the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, got a severe headache, and fell asleep. He was awakened by seizures and died in the early morning, less than 24 hours after taking the jab. He reportedly took the vaccine because he was worried about travel passes/ vaccine passports being used in New York. Desiree Penrod, a 25-year old pre-schoolteacher, took the same Johnson and Johnson vaccine in early March. She wrote on Facebook, “The vaccine is killing me today. My arm hurts, beyond exhausted, headache, stomach cramps and earaches. Multiple people told me that I looked pale today. Yesterday, I was fine but today it’s taking its toll on me.” Facebook flagged her post with a message about Covid-19 vaccines undergoing thorough testing procedures before being approved, dismissing Penrod’s complaints over the effects of the injection. She died six days later. Desiree had a pre-existing seizure disorder and had a seizure the day before she got the vaccine. It is unknown whether she received true informed consent about the risk of the shot as the Johnson & Johnson Clinical Trial reported that there were more seizures in the vaccine group than in the placebo group (4 seizures vs. 1 seizure).

Reports are now surfacing of people dying following the recently authorized Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shots here in the United States.

The Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID “vaccine” is an “adenovirus” vaccine, and like the experimental mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna, there are currently no approved adenovirus vaccines in the market, although the military has used experimental adenovirus vaccines that are not FDA approved.

So by getting the FDA to issue an EUA, which they did on February 27th, Johnson and Johnson can now test their experimental vaccine on the public as part of their Phase 3 trials.

The vaccine is being produced in Belgium, by the same company that in the past produced the anthrax vaccine that destroyed the lives of so many military personnel.

Read full article here…

From Circle of Mamas:

Desiree Penrod was only 25 years old. She had a pre-existing seizure disorder and according to her Facebook page, she had a seizure on Monday, March 8th, one day before she got the vaccine.

She got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Janssen, on Tuesday, March 9th, and the very next day began feeling very unwell.

By Wednesday, March 11th, when she made her final Facebook post, she was very ill. She was found deceased in her home on March 17th.


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terry shead
terry shead
3 years ago

The only thing I can comment on people are so stupid what they put into there bodies, just wait to the next flue in the fall?

Two Young Adults Die Following Johnson and Johnson Experimental Vaccinations | From the Trenches World Report
3 years ago

[…] Need to Know News […]

Michael J Bloom
Michael J Bloom
3 years ago

Maybe if people were fully informed before getting the vaccine, there would be less instances of these bad reactions and needless deaths/injuries. I’m not sure, however, that a fully informed Guinea pig is in the best interest of Johnson and Johnson.

3 years ago

There probably have been several more deaths, but we’ll probably never know.