Woman Arrested After Driving Car into California Pro-Trump Demonstration

Tatiana Turner, Youtube
Yorba Linda, California: The Orange County Sheriff’s Department said that 40-year-old Tatiana Turner was arrested for investigation of attempted murder and assault. She allegedly drove her car into a crowd of Trump supporters in a parking lot at a pro-Trump demonstration that was counter-protesting a group against systemic racism and police brutality, Caravan for Justice, and several scuffles broke out between the groups before the incident. Two people who were hit by the car were taken to a nearby hospital with major but non-life threatening injuries.

In a separate incident in Hollywood, a driver of a pick-up truck struck a leftist militant who tried to block his truck. Los Angeles police said that the driver was attempting to maneuver through the crowd when protesters began beating the vehicle with sticks, and was trying to get away.

A woman who authorities say drove a car into a crowd during a Southern California demonstration against police brutality, striking and injuring two people, has been arrested for investigation of attempted murder and assault.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement late Saturday that 40-year-old Tatiana Turner of Long Beach was booked into jail.

Turner drove a car into a crowd at a demonstration against police brutality and systemic racism Saturday that drew protesters and counter-protesters to the city of Yorba Linda, the statement said. The event was organized by a group called Caravan for Justice and Turner was believed to be part of the group, authorities said.

Sheriff’s authorities said about 150 people initially showed up for the demonstration in the small city some 30 miles (48 kilometers) southeast of downtown Los Angeles. About a half hour later, authorities received reports of fights breaking out between the two groups and declared an unlawful assembly, the statement said. One man was arrested for failing to obey an order for the crowd to disperse.

Turner was arrested after driving a car in a library parking lot that struck at least two people who were taken to a nearby hospital with major but non-life threatening injuries, the statement said.

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Turner is being held on $1 million bail and expected to appear in court on Tuesday, according to a county website. It was not immediately known if she had a lawyer.

On Thursday night, a protester was struck by a pickup truck during a march in Hollywood and suffered non-life-threatening injuries. Los Angeles police said Friday the preliminary investigation found that the driver was attempting to maneuver through the crowd when protesters began beating the vehicle with sticks.

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4 years ago

Low IQ idiot (clinical term) woman drives car into courageous California pro-Trump Demonstration.