China Unveils ‘Super Camera’ That Can Identify Thousands of People and Link Their Activities to the government Social-Credit System

China: A new 500-megapixel cloud camera AI system, with a resolution of five times more detailed than the human eye, is able to identify the faces of thousands of people in real time. The designers say police could set up the cameras in cities to monitor the movement of crowds, while cross-checking the images with medical and criminal records. The social-credit system is currently enforced using a network of over 200-million surveillance cameras. [Big Brother is in China but his younger brother is rapidly growing in the US and the rest of the world.] -GEG

Scientists have unveiled a 500 megapixel cloud camera system in China that they say is capable of capturing the facial details of each individual in a crowd of tens of thousands of people, raising fears facial recognition monitoring could soon reach a new level.

Key points:

  • The super camera can instantly detect specific targets in a crowd of thousands
  • It has the capacity to take both still images and record video
  • The abilities of such a camera raise serious concerns about privacy



The camera, which was revealed at China’s International Industry Fair last week, was designed by Fudan University and Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The camera’s resolution is five times more detailed than the human eye, and it is also equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), facial recognition, real-time monitoring and cloud computing technology, designers say.

All this means it can detect and identify human faces or other objects and instantly find specific targets even in a crowded stadium, Xiaoyang Zeng, one of the scientists who worked on the new technology, explained to reporters at the exhibition display.

He said this device — dubbed the “super camera” by local media — can capture both still images and record video.


Australian freelance technology journalist Alex Kidman said the camera was technically feasible but there were potential difficulties.

“The challenge for a camera of this scope, especially in a cloud-led AI environment is the quantity of data that’s needed to shuffle around for identification; as you raise the detail level of each image as the Fudan University scientists have done, you seriously raise the size of the files — especially for video — a substantial amount,” Kidman said.

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China Unveils ‘Super Camera’ That Can Identify Thousands of People and Link Their Activities to the government Social-Credit System | WeAreChangeTV.US
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[…] 30, 2019 ABC Australia No Comments This post was originally published on this […]