Colin Powell, former Secretary of State, Was Fully Vaccinated, But Died from ‘Covid-19 Complications’

Colin Powell holding vial of anthrax at UN speech, Wiki
General Colin Powell, 84, died due to complications from Covid 19. His family stated that he was fully vaccinated. It is unknown which vaccine he received. He had been treated for multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that affects the body’s ability to fight infections. He was the chairman for Joint Chiefs of Staff under President George H.W. Bush and and led the first Gulf War that was a failure. Powell acted as US Secretary of State under former President George W. Bush and was responsible for asserting that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in a speech to the United Nations to make the case for war on Iraq. But the US State Department had flagged the claims that Powell presented as a threat as being “WEAK”. Powell blamed the false speech on a “great intelligence failure.” Tens of thousands of people, including about 5,000 US service members, died in the war, which lasted from 2003 until 2011.
  • Colin Powell, the former secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has died from Covid complications at the age of 84.
  • “Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of Colin Powell. He was a great public servant, starting with his time as a soldier during Vietnam,” former President George W. Bush said.
  • Powell argued for the U.S. invasion of Iraq before the United Nations, using intelligence that later turned out to be mostly wrong.
  • Powell had a weakened immune system following his struggle with multiple myeloma, a cancer that directly affects the body’s ability to fight infections.

WASHINGTON – Colin Powell, the trailblazing soldier and statesman, has died from Covid complications at the age of 84.

Powell, who was fully vaccinated against Covid, had several underlying conditions. He had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease and had been treated recently for multiple myeloma, according to a Powell family spokesperson.

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that hurts the body’s ability to fight infections. Fully vaccinated people with weakened immune systems make up a large proportion of hospitalized breakthrough cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Powell had also undergone surgery for prostate cancer when he was secretary of State nearly two decades ago.

Powell and his wife, Alma Powell, tested positive for Covid a week ago. Alma Powell, who will soon turn 84 herself, has been suffering Covid symptoms and was recovering at home, the spokesperson said.

Colin Powell had planned to get a booster shot last week, but he wasn’t feeling well enough to get it, the spokesperson added.

Read full article here…

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Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
2 years ago

Powell never forgave himself for being allowed to be lied to about Iraqi WMD’S
Rice Rumsfeld Hadley and George Tenet ( who appeared on film at the UN and even at the last moment when Powell turned to Tenet for approval , Tenet nodded YES–It was one of Powells’ regrettable days in his life- he was never the same after that issue

Major Tom
Major Tom
2 years ago
Reply to  Milton Farrow

A Time Book…..”Desert Storm”….The War in the Persian Gulf….Page 127….there is a photo of Saddam Hussein, in uniform, at a conference table….holding up two objects……This is the caption of the photo….”Saddam flaunts nuclear-triggering devices he acquired last spring despite U.S. efforts to prevent it.” The truth will out…if not now……when?

2 years ago

The ultimate “fall guy”, I’m afraid to say. He fell for the lies they told him about buildings and stores or whatever holding WMDs, and he fell for their lies about a “vaccine” being safe. He seemed like a good guy really, although how can one tell? I hope his wife recovers. And that yet another example of a “vaccinated” person dying from what he or she was supposed to be vaccinated against will move some more people to understand why they should reject this nonsense.

Fastt Ed
Fastt Ed
2 years ago


Bill Goode
Bill Goode
2 years ago

Colin Powell didn’t die of “Covid-19 complications”. That was Kamala Harris’s dictate to the FBI, who responded to the emergency call by Powell’s wife, instead of an ambulance.

Colin Powell committed suicide. He left a suicide note and an empty bottle of Ambien as evidence of his suicide. Powell stated in his suicide note that he’d rather be judged by the Lord than by others. Was Powell afraid of a military tribunal at GITMO for his participation in the Iraq War, looking for those non-existent “weapons of mass destruction”?

Colin Powell Committed Suicide.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Goode
Major Tom
Major Tom
2 years ago

General Powell died at age 84. Doesn’t anyone die of old age anymore?

Ashok T Jaisinghani
Ashok T Jaisinghani
2 years ago

💥COVID-19 Vaccines KILLED General Colin Powell who was former Secretary of State of USA❗He suffered from Severe COVID-19, even after getting injections of 2 doses of the VACCINE‼️ How many more TOP Leaders, Famous Persons and even Doctors must die due to the COVID-19 Vaccines, so that they can be declared DANGEROUS and BANNED❓