Seattle: “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” Has a Warlord, Police Try to Reclaim Precinct

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best, Youtube
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best gave a video address to officers in the Seattle police department and explained that the mayor had overruled police in allowing the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) to be established. She said that there are reports of armed individuals ‘patrolling’ the streets and that they were demanding payment from business owners in exchange for some of that protection. Raz Simone, a hip hop artist who has been dubbed a “warlord”, is reportedly controlling the area with his private police force that is conducting stop-and-frisk ID checks on locals, and is quick to dole out beatings to opponents of the regime. Raz said that he had daily phone calls with the Mayor’s assistant and the Fire Department.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best gave a video address to officers in the Seattle police department Thursday in which she explained that the mayor had overruled police in allowing the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” to be established, and that police were now receiving reports of an ongoing protection racket.

In the video, Best explains that she fought with the city to keep the precinct open and operational, but the city had “other plans for the building” and ultimately “relented to severe public pressure.”

“I’m angry about how this all came about, I understand that my comments in this message may be leaked to the public, but I’m not concerned about that. I stand by what I’m saying,” Best states.

“We have heard that there are armed people ‘patrolling’ the streets near 12th and Pine,” Best continues. “Of course this is very concerning, especially because we don’t know who these people are. We’ve also received reports that these armed people may be demanding payment from business owners in exchange for some of that protection. We’ve also heard that they may be demanding to see identification from people that live in the area.”

Read full article here…

Additional sources:

VIDEO: Warlord Raz of Seattle Autonomous Zone Claims Total Control, Says He Speaks With Mayor’s Office Daily

PARTY’S OVER: BLM Activist Admonishes Antifa For Boozing Rather Than Making “Autonomous Zone” Functional as Seattle Police Take Back Precinct (VIDEOS)

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3 years ago

Arrest the mayor!