
Monsanto Cancer Lawsuits Focus On EPA Official’s “Suspicious” Role

February 28, 2017 Joel Rosenblatt 0

A retired EPA official is at the center of more than 20 lawsuits that allege Monsanto failed to warn of cancer risks from glyphosate, the key ingredient in its Roundup weed killer. Jess Rowland, a former EPA deputy division director, is accused of helping Monsanto by publishing a report advising that there was not enough evidence to link glyphosate to cancer, which preempted further research. The EPA is trying to stop his deposition in March.


Leaked Audio Reveals Liberals’ Plans To Cause Hostility At Town Hall

February 28, 2017 Peter Hasson 0

A Louisiana radio station obtained leaked audio from ‘Indivisible’, an anti-Trump protest group, that revealed their plot to dominate a town hall meeting in order to influence Republican Senator Bill Cassidy to withdraw his support from President Trump. The self-identified liberals’ strategy consisted of dressing like conservatives, using an outside team to pander to the media and using an inside team to fill as many seats as possible to monopolize the meeting with their agenda.


Arizona’s Silver And Gold Bill Undermines The Federal Reserve

February 28, 2017 The Tenth Amendment Center 1

Arizona’s State House passed a bill to eliminate state capital gains taxes on gold and silver coins because it is an exchange of one kind of legal tender for another kind of legal tender. Precious metals appear to gain in value when Federal Reserve notes depreciate in value, making the taxable gain fictional. If the bill becomes a state law, it will encourage the use of precious metals as currency and will open the door to undermining the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.


Hollywood Awards Oscar To Terrorist Support Group

February 27, 2017 RT 0

Hollywood’s propaganda department gave an Academy Award to The White Helmets for best documentary short feature, when it would have been more appropriate to classify it as fiction. The White Helmets film praises the Syrian rescue group as heroes, but they are actually a terrorist support group affiliated with al-Nusra, and funded by at least $100 million from USAID, the British Foreign Office, other EU states and Qatar for covert operations.


Google’s New Tool For Censoring “Toxic” Comments

February 26, 2017 Paul Joseph Watson 0

Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is introducing its new software, ‘Perspective,’ that uses artificial intelligence to detect “toxic” comments so that they may be censored. Mainstream media often censors comments because studies show that the comments under an article have more influence on a reader than the article itself


Why Has The CIA Stopped Smuggling Weapons to Syrian Rebels?

February 24, 2017 Ron Paul 1

Over the past few weeks, the CIA has stopped its weapons smuggling operation to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) “moderate” rebels, which President Trump criticized while he was campaigning. The CIA has been funding the FSA and the al-Nusra Front who are fighting each other.


“What Happened Last Night In Sweden” Affects US Policy

February 23, 2017 JW Williams 4

President Trump held a rally last weekend to garner support for his immigration policies and he told the crowd, “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden.” People were confused by his imprecise reference to Sweden, and he was ridiculed on social media. He later tweeted that he was referring to a news report that he saw on Fox News that revealed Sweden’s migrant problems.

His warning was prophetic as rioters burnt cars and vandalized buildings in Rinkeby, a migrant area of Stockholm, the next day. Rinkeby has a history of riots in 2010 and 2013.


Duke University Sponsors ‘Indivisible’ Leftist Training

February 23, 2017 Peter Hasson 4

Duke University is sponsoring a workshop for the purpose of training students to engage in “activism’ against President Trump’s administration. The workshop provides a guide for ‘resistance’ and a link for leftist “indivisible” organizations across the country.


India Bans Bill & Melinda Gates’ Vaccine Program Over Big-Pharma Fears

February 22, 2017 Matt Agorist 5

The government of India is banning the vaccine program sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation over fears that pharmaceutical-company donors tied to the Foundation are influencing its policies on vaccination. A study from the Global Policy Forum shows that the Gates Foundation is not a neutral charity but, instead, promotes neo-liberal (collectivist) economic policies and globalization, which benefits big business, especially in the fields of health and agriculture.


Alexandre Bissonnette Charged With Quebec Mosque Shooting

February 14, 2017 Tom Cleary 1

Quebec, Canada: A 27-year old man, Alexandre Bissonnette, was arrested on charges of shooting and killing six Muslim men who were praying in a mosque. This mass shooting has many features that are identical to other similar shootings. For example, the suspect is described as a right-wing extremist, he has ties to the military, witnesses say there were multiple shooters, law enforcement says there was only one shooter, a second man was arrested and set free, authorities have not released the CCTV videos, and reporting of the event is tied to a political agenda against Trump’s immigration program. Trudeau said Canada will welcome Muslims turned away by the US.


Mexico Declares War On The US

February 14, 2017 InfoWars 9

Mexican President Pena Nieto cancelled his meeting with President Trump after Trump tweeted that there was no point in having the meeting unless Nieto was ready to talk about funding the border wall. Then Nieto made statements that, in more sane times, would be considered as a declaration of war. He said that Mexico would use its consulates in every US state to help illegal immigrants get taxpayer-funded benefits and to protect them while they reject assimilation into America, which amounts to an invasion by a foreign country. The Mexican President is supporting the globalist agenda of breaking down the US to the point where it cannot survive without UN permission and control.