Read about Figure 01: https://www.figure.ai/master-plan
Read about Figure 01: https://www.figure.ai/master-plan
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The same governments we are asking to create a ban on killer robots will secretly develop them in spite of any ban. The military seldom worries about mere laws. All they have to do is claim that their efforts are for national security or world peace, and the people will acquiesce. That’s how we got the present killer-drone program. Since laws will never stop tyrants from developing more efficient weapons, our only hope is to create a political system that prevents tyrants from coming to power.
In a surprise move, former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, is stepping down as executive chairman of the search giant’s parent company Alphabet amid reports that his personal life is being scrutinized. He says he will remain with the company as a technical advisor. An unnamed source said that the move would allow him to have a more “hands-on role” in developing artificial intelligence for defense.
Copyright 2024 G. Edward Griffin
When the AI robots can handle M-16 rifles and follow orders without conscience, we will become slaves.
Worship the Beast.
Can it mate and replicate itself? Nope. Nothing mankind could ever invent could be anymore technically fascinating than a common house fly.