This Is Only Phase 2 of Biden’s Migrant Border Invasion Plan, on the Way to Phase 4

Illegal aliens flooding US border, Youtube screenshot

Author JJ Carrell revealed the four phases of mass migration and replacement that begins with the first phase of ongoingly flooding the border. Phase two is that the people who have been paroled inside the US border have been categorized as ‘legal US residents’ who can now sponsor their family members to join them in the US. Each ‘legal resident’ can bring in four more people who may then bring in more people. The estimated 10 million migrants welcomed by the Biden administration will multiply by tens of millions more people. The rules have been changed so that financial sponsorship by the family is no longer required as NGOs like Catholic Charities may fill in as the financial sponsor. Other NGOs facilitating the invasion of America include the United Way, Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Family Services and hundreds of mom and pop organizations. They have been paid billions of dollars by the Biden administration.

Mr. Carrell dropped a bombshell about Social Security benefits.

Phase 3 is continual propaganda that the system is broken, setting the stage for phase four, which is blanket amnesty. Both Republicans and Democrats are complicit in mass migration. For example, House Speaker Mike Johnson has failed to address the border issue.


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10 months ago

Thank you for the post. What is the endgame of the mass illegal invasion? Are they trying to incite a civil war with the American population, to justify martial law? Or just trying to prevent Trump from winning the election in November?

Kevin Straub
Kevin Straub
10 months ago
Reply to  Frank

Yes, incite civil war. This is the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem/Reaction/Solution. Their solution to the war is totalitarian crackdown, loss of all freedoms. Civil war in the USA and the total repudiation of every principle of the US constitution has been prophesied to occur. It looks like we’re getting well into it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Frank

With things this big it is always MANY MANY things that are accomplished. The end game is more money, power & control for those at the tippety top. No not the celebs you have grown to love and THINK are admirable. They are like you in that they control nothing and are just pawns. Pick a religion ANY RELIGION and you are better off than worshiping Hollywood folk in general that’s all I can say. GOD IS REAL AND REALLY DOES LOVE US ALL. I know sounds like a conundrum.

Phillip Mezzapelle
Phillip Mezzapelle
10 months ago

This is part of the NWO Agenda to make America descend into chaos. Then of course martial law will become the norm. And then we can officially say goodbye to the once great and free USA.

10 months ago


David E Gignac
David E Gignac
10 months ago

The takeover and rape of America by the ‘globalists’ is almost complete. They will come for your property because once they have gotten enough migrants your property rights is their next target. Remember you were promised “you will own nothing and be happy”… They meant it

Mary Ellen Tuthill
Mary Ellen Tuthill
10 months ago
Reply to  David E Gignac

As in “The Great Taking”!!

10 months ago

Calling this “Biden’s migrant invasion” is MISLEADING and pushes a false narrative that divides us and distracts from whom the enemy really is. At this point Biden has difficulty finding his way out of the bathroom. So none of the programs or policies are his. Nor are they the DNC’s. They are all puppets. Stop focusing on the puppets, and focus on the puppet masters. Start with the Rothschild (formerly the Bauer family)/Rockefeller Klan and their Bilderberg goons i.e. Soros, Schwab, Gates etc. We expect truthful and accurate reporting from the alternative media. There are now indications that some of… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Gill

Agreed. Hating Biden and voting for no matter who accomplish zero. Your vote only counts if you are in a corporate board quorum situation.

10 months ago


10 months ago

The solution is simple; fire the three branches of government because they failed to do what they were elected for. “we the people” have the right to petition for a redress of grievances (Article 3, section 3..”treason against the US shall consist only in levying war against them or their enemies giving them aid and comfort….this describes the border invasion to a “T” when illegals have more rights than those who are forced to pay (taxation without representation) The three branch of government have failed to protect the country from invasion. , which makes them derelict in their oath of… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Lene81

The U.S. Constitution may be is permanent suspension. “War and Emergency Powers Report.”

Last edited 10 months ago by Roberta
Tom Ball
Tom Ball
10 months ago
Reply to  Lene81

The problem is that the legal machinery to ENFORCE an action like this is in THEIR hands. The DHS controls the police, and the JEWS control the DHS. There are young people steeped in Marxist ideology acting as useful idiots every where. Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. And they regulate the only ORGANIZED armed contingents , namely the military and police forces. The rest of us cannot possibly coalesce to a united front because WE HAVE BEEN BALKANIZED already. Most of the public remains in the dark as to WHO is behind this. Don’t believe me?… Read more »

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
10 months ago

“Other NGOs facilitating the invasion of America include the United Way, Jewish Family Services, Lutheran Family Services and hundreds of mom and pop organizations. They have been paid billions of dollars by the Biden administration.”

Why am I not surprised?