As Chinese Purchases Of US Farmland Soar, It’s Impossible To Track How Much It Owns


Bloomberg noted that America “is seeing more and more of its most fertile land snapped up by China and other foreign buyers.” It is difficult to know just how much farmland China has bought due to problems with how the US tracks such data. According to Department of Agriculture data, foreign ownership and investment in US farmland, pastures and forests jumped to about 40 million acres in 2021, up 40% from 2016. The USDA’s data is flawed and depends on foreigners self-reporting their activity. Food supply lines may be at risk due to foreigners owning US land.


The topic of China’s ownership of US farmlands is starting to boil over.

Six months after we reported that a “Bipartisan Bill Aims To Block Chinese Purchase Of US Farmland”, more are starting to pay attention yet as even Bloomberg notes that America “is seeing more and more of its most fertile land snapped up by China and other foreign buyers” the big problem remains: it’s difficult to know just how much farmland China has bought due to problem with how the US tracks such data.

Here’s what we do know: according to Department of Agriculture data foreign ownership and investment in US farmland, pastures and forests jumped to about 40 million acres in 2021, up 40% from 2016; but an analysis conducted by the US Government Accountability Office — a non-partisan watchdog that reports to Congress — found mistakes in the data, including the largest land holding linked with China being counted twice. Other challenges include the USDA’s reliance on foreigners self-reporting their activity.

As a result, foreign ownership of US cropland is drawing attention from Washington as concern rises about possible threats to food supply chains and other national security risks. And, as we reported last summer, lawmakers have called for a crackdown on sales of farmland to China and other nations.

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Foreign investors own 37.6 million acres of U.S. agricultural land, which is 2.9% of all privately held agricultural land and 1.7% of all U.S. land.
(Source: USDA)

“Without improving its internal processes, USDA cannot report reliable information to Congress or the public about where and how much US agricultural land is held by foreign persons,” the report said.

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James Osbourne Holmes
James Osbourne Holmes
1 year ago

Allowing any foreign nation to buy land in America is treason.
The corporation presenting itself as the American government is itself, in its organizational form, treason. No constitution has any jurisdiction over any free man or woman who did not sign it with full information and knowledge of the consequences.
We need courage and will. We are millions; the murderous criminals are a few hundred thousand.

Last edited 1 year ago by James Osbourne Holmes
Phillip Mezzapelle
Phillip Mezzapelle
1 year ago

Can someone please explain to me how the neocons are convinced the USA can defeat China in a war? Yes, the same Chinese that besides land, also own banks and financial institutions?🤣

Tom Ball
Tom Ball
7 months ago

I don’t think they are depending on that. The Zionists have been sacked up with the Chinese for a long time. Israel has sold them a ton of our technology. Bill and Hillary gave them missile tech that put them in space. Biden has received $32 million from them. Mitch McConnell is married to one. Congressmen sleep with their spies. There’s nothing like sex and money to grease the wheels of “progress” We’ve been sold. My guess is that the globalists have cut deals with the CCP that will enable them to share dictatorial rule over the world. You can’t… Read more »

James Osbourne Holmes
James Osbourne Holmes
1 year ago

Selling any American land to a hostile communist nation is an act of treason.