Moderna Begins Trials for New mRNA Shot to be Injected Directly into the Heart

Moderna’s new mRNA shot to treat heart attack patients uses mRNA, which carries a cell’s instructions for making proteins. By injecting the heart with synthetic mRNA that encodes for relaxin, the mRNA shot directs human cells to generate the hormone. Increased blood movement allows for new blood vessels to grow and helps restore blood flow along arteries and veins. This week, the drug maker announced that the first patients were given the injection in a phase one clinical trial. Moderna CEO StĂŠphane Bancel said, ‘We have now in the clinic a super exciting program where we inject mRNA into people’s hearts after a heart attack to grow back new blood vessels to help revascularize the heart. Moderna CEO StĂŠphane Bancel told Sky News: ‘It’s like science fiction medicine’.

Moderna’s mRNA COVID ‘vaccine’ has been shown to cause major heart problems. A Swiss study found the COVID mRNA shots injured the hearts of ALL its recipients, with 2.8% having levels associated with subclinical myocarditis. NewsWars reported that Moderna has used its profits from its mRNA COVID shot to fund their new product that treats those same heart problems. “Absolutely diabolical.”

  • The shot encodes for relaxin, a hormone which is known to improve blood flow
  • Patients have received the injection in a phase one trial looking at dosage levels
  • Moderna CEO StĂŠphane Bancel told Sky News: ‘It’s like science fiction medicine’

Moderna is developing an mRNA shot that is injected directly into the hearts of heart attack and heart failure patients.

The ‘vaccine’ uses the same technology as the company’s flagship Covid jab and is designed for people weeks or months after a heart attack to help them recover.

It works by instructing human heart cells to generate a hormone that is known to improve blood flow, helping restore damaged heart muscles.

During a heart attack, muscle cells can start to die and cannot be re-generated. Roughly one in five people who have had a heart attack will be readmitted to the hospital for a second one within five years.

This week, the drug maker announced that the first patients were given the injection in a phase one clinical trial.

Moderna CEO StĂŠphane Bancel told Sky News Australia in October: ‘We have now in the clinic a super exciting program where we inject mRNA into people’s hearts after a heart attack to grow back new blood vessels to help revascularize the heart.

‘It’s a bit like science fiction medicine but that’s what is really exciting to me.’

In its latest business update, Moderna this week announced that the first patients have been given the injection, called mRNA-0184, in a phase 1B clinical trial.

The patients have stable heart failure and the trial will determine how safe the shot is and how well patients can tolerate it, as well as perfecting the dosage amount and frequency.

Heart attacks occur when there is a loss of blood supply to the heart, while heart failure is when the heart is unable to pump blood around the body efficiently.

Heart failure can develop after a heart attack if the muscle was severely damaged.

The new shot uses messenger RNA,  which carries a cell’s instructions for making proteins.

DNA, which is stored in a cell’s nucleus, encodes the genetic information for making proteins or hormones.

mRNA transfers a copy of this genetic information outside of the nucleus, to a cell’s cytoplasm, where it can be made into proteins and hormones.

The synthetic mRNA encodes for relaxin, a naturally occurring hormone that is known to cause changes to blood flow that are ‘potentially beneficial for heart failure patients’, Moderna said.

Read full article here…


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Hat Bailey
Hat Bailey
1 year ago

Right! We are expected to trust the very BigPharma company that pushed out the shot which it turns out does not prevent transmission of the virus it was supposed to prevent. Nor does it really prevent infection, and it is now obvious to any of us paying attention that it produces sometimes lethal side effects like myocarditis and sudden death among other things. But don’t worry now they have a remedy for one of these side effects. Great news. Wonderful business model, sell shoddy poorly quality controlled products for which, although they might not give you immunity, the company has… Read more »

Milton Farrow
Milton Farrow
1 year ago


Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
1 year ago

This place looks more and more like a dystopic science fiction movie every day.

1 year ago

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), is a US federal law that provides for “extended criminal penalties” and a civil cause of action for acts performed by an ongoing criminal organization. Any act causing or threatening tangible harm, for which perpetrator then offers the antidote for remunerative compensation, OPENLY VIOLATES US CRIMINAL CODE.

They who give mRNA “heart shots” to those so damaged by earlier rico-mRNA shots, should get justice.

Americans being abused as eugenic globalist lab rats IS OVER!