The FBI collected thousands of phone and electronic records of those at the Capitol on January 6, including some belonging to members of Congress. The FBI relied on emergency orders that do not require court authorization to secure communications from people at the scene. They also obtained information from cell phone towers and telecom providers. Many felony indictments are expected. -GEG
Within hours of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, the FBI began securing thousands of phone and electronic records connected to people at the scene of the rioting — including some related to members of Congress, raising potentially thorny legal questions.
Using special emergency powers and other measures, the FBI has collected reams of private cellphone data and communications that go beyond the videos that rioters shared widely on social media, according to two sources with knowledge of the collection effort.
In the hours and days after the Capitol riot, the FBI relied in some cases on emergency orders that do not require court authorization in order to quickly secure actual communications from people who were identified at the crime scene. Investigators have also relied on data “dumps” from cellphone towers in the area to provide a map of who was there, allowing them to trace call records — but not content — from the phones.
The Trump administration claims that there are millions of people of people over the age of 100 who are receiving benefit payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Michelle King, the Acting Director for the Social Security Administration, has been forced out after attempting to stonewall an investigation.
Black Lives Matter activist, James Edward Marshall, allegedly shot a disabled veteran in the head during an armed protest roadblock/ anti-police riot in 2020. Marshall agreed to a sweetheart plea deal with a corrupt Soros-linked District Attorney. Marshall has has been released from prison after serving only 3 years.
Two NYC owners of a pawn shop were arrested by the FBI in connection with a Chilean gang that allegedly robbed wealthy athletes and celebrities. NYC is the largest sanctuary city with 400,000 illegal aliens residing there. The Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang is involved in underground gun dealing and other crimes.
Travis County District Attorney José Garza, backed by George Soros, blew the deadline to convene grand juries to indict suspected killers Juan Antonio Ramirez and Stephon Morson, who were released after posting very low bail.
DOGE reported that $4.7 trillion in payments made by the US Treasury omitted an accounting tracking code, the Treasury Access Symbol (TAS), that identifies specific budget items. Use of the TAS was optional. The payments are “almost impossible” to trace.
Soros has funded district attorneys (DA) candidates in Democrat counties where Republicans cannot get elected. Crime is exploding because Soros DAs refuse to prosecute. State legislatures can fix the problem, but the lawmakers fear the DAs will indict them. Non-prosecution invites cartels to commit crimes in the US.
The state will spend $9.5 billion on healthcare costs for illegal aliens in the current year as the state struggles to to recover from devastating wildfires that were exacerbated by state and local spending cuts. Damage estimates from the fires are as high as $150 billion.
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, the former advisor to Queen Elizabeth from the influential banking family, has been accused of abusing sexual abuse and assault. Evelyn left his position in 2004, after a 44-year career in banking, following an investigation of a complaint in 2003.
Netanyahu is planning to attack Iran at its Fordow enrichment plant in the first half of 2025, and intends to drag the United States into a new war. The Trump administration has lifted restrictions on sending bunker busters to Israel and moved to provide Israel with another $8.4 billion in military aid.
Vance called out Europe for cracking down on free speech and thought crimes. He condemned the annulment of elections if voters go against the agenda, following the recent annulment of Romania’s election. He said that the most pressing matter is mass migration and that one in five people living in Germany is a migrant.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order prohibiting federal funds from going to K-12 schools and universities that require COVID-19 ‘vaccinations’. No states currently require COVID-19 injections for students at K-12 public schools. Only 15 private colleges still require COVID-19 vaccination shots.
RFK Jr said, “When my uncle was president, 3% of Americans were obese. Today, 74% of Americans are obese or overweight. Epidemics are not caused by genes. Something is poisoning the American people, and we know that the primary culprit’s our changing food supply.”
Janeen Deal reported that her daughter has been barred by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital from a spot on a heart transplant list because she’s not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu. The hospital declined to make an exemption even when told it goes against the family’s religious beliefs
Lee Zeldin, the new head of the EPA, investigated the claims made by the EPA advisor and found that $20 billion in taxpayer funds was awarded to just eight entities that were then responsible for doling out the money to NGOs that included the Climate United Fund that received just under $7 billion.
Bondi took aim at New York’s so-called ‘Green Light Law’ that permits undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses while blocking federal immigration agents from accessing the data. Hochul said that New York’s current laws allow federal immigration officials to access DMV records with a warrant.
“The train that’s being built between Los Angeles and San Francisco is the worst-managed project I think I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some of the worst,” Trump told reporters, asserting that the project is “billions and billions” of dollars over budget.
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo issued a statement urging elected officials to remove fluoride from their water. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Secretary of Health and Human Services, has proposed removing fluoride from public water supplies. Trump said that “sounds okay” to him.
FEMA sent $59 million just last week to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal aliens. According to Musk, sending this money to these high-end hotels violated the law as it directly interfered with President Trump’s executive order.
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The FBI admitted that a factor driving the mounting threat is “the uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures.”
Twitter’s censorship ranged from suppressing information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which may have influenced the 2020 election, to banning Donald Trump, a sitting president, to censoring information that was disadvantageous to the Democrat party. The Twitter Files have failed to expose censorship related to COVID.
FBI Director Chris Wray dodged a question about the plainclothes FBI operatives dressed as Trump supporters inside the US Capitol prior to the doors being opened on January 6th. The FBI was running several operatives in the crowd on January 6 and was openly recruiting veterans to work for them at the rally that day.
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Phillip Mezzapelle
3 years ago
The land of the free. 😢
3 years ago
Were the Bolsheviks ever put on trial? Mau? Castro? Pol Pot? Seems Communists have yet to be held accountable for their massive crimes against Humanity. That’s why this is happening now.
3 years ago
How ironic that the FBI confiscated thousands of Mobile Phones should also be confiscated from Antifa, BLM and Capital Police as well. This Capital Breach was a well organised event to cause confusion for the Electoral college votes. The way Bidens Administration has been it just shows why Trump honestly believed that Election was stolen from him. I honestly believe what happened at the Capital Trump has hit the nail on the head with this one. The Capital riot was tame compared to what happened with George Floyd IMHO that was a staged event with Crisis Actors so that BLM… Read more »
The land of the free. 😢
Were the Bolsheviks ever put on trial? Mau? Castro? Pol Pot? Seems Communists have yet to be held accountable for their massive crimes against Humanity. That’s why this is happening now.
How ironic that the FBI confiscated thousands of Mobile Phones should also be confiscated from Antifa, BLM and Capital Police as well. This Capital Breach was a well organised event to cause confusion for the Electoral college votes. The way Bidens Administration has been it just shows why Trump honestly believed that Election was stolen from him. I honestly believe what happened at the Capital Trump has hit the nail on the head with this one. The Capital riot was tame compared to what happened with George Floyd IMHO that was a staged event with Crisis Actors so that BLM… Read more »