Day: September 20, 2018


Four Congressmen, Including Pelosi and Schumer, Confirm in Writing that there Is an Agreement among Intelligence Officials To Withhold Info From the President
Democrat Congressmen Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Mark Warner sent a letter to top intelligence leaders reminding them that they had agreed they “would not provide the White House or any of the President’s attorneys with access to sensitive information briefed to a small group of designated Members.”


How Sweden Transformed into a Wealthy Capitalist Economy After Socialist Policies and High Taxes Failed
If America wanted to follow Sweden’s successful turnaround, the US would need to deregulate more markets, reform Social Security, remove all taxes on property and inheritance, etc. [Marxists will never agree to that, even if they thought it would be good for the economy because, to them, control over the people is more important than prosperity.]