
Department of Health Acknowledges Death Caused by Gardasil Vaccine

April 25, 2018 Natural News 0

Vaccine Court denied a family’a death claim against Gardasil HPV vaccine, as the court maintained that the deceased woman’s arrhythmia could have been preexisting, despite medical records showing onset after the vaccine. They took the case to the Department of Health that instructed the Vaccine Court to compensate the family. This case shows that the Gardasil vaccine can cause death. To date, 271 people have died from reactions to Gardasil, yet mainstream media is silent.

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Rapper Kanye West Complimented Conservative Candace Owen’s Politics on Twitter

April 25, 2018 Breitbart 0

Candace Owen responded to Black Lives Matter protesters by saying that some black people in America focus on slavery, which is in the past, and is a victim mentality, while other black people who focus on their future are more successful and have a victor mentality. Kanye tweeted, “I love the way Candace Owens thinks.” Cartoonist Scott Adams said that Kanye’s tweet ripped a hole in reality by making it acceptable to break out of old thought patterns that are a mental prison.

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Bill Gates Funds EarthNow Satellite Video to Surveil Every Corner of the Globe

April 25, 2018 Business Wire 0

EarthNow is producing a network of satellites, funded by Bill Gates, that can spy-cam every corner of the globe from space. They claim their purpose is to help “smart cities” become more efficient, assisting (mainstream) media in “telling stories”, illegal fishing crime watch, helping humanity understand its impact on the planet and more. Initially, governments and enterprise customers will have access. [What could possibly go wrong with real-time monitoring of everything by governments and other power brokers?]