
Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes in ‘Gun-Free’ Britain

April 16, 2018 Breitbart 1

Attacks using machetes have more than quadrupled in the UK in just three years, for an average of 15 attacks per day. Most are occurring in the capital of London. Machetes are the weapon of choice for criminals in the UK, which is governed by strict gun-control laws. Across the UK, violent crime overall surged by 20%, robbery was up by 29%, and sex offenses surged by 23%.


South Africa: Polygraph Analyst Identifies Who Is Murdering White Farmers

April 16, 2018 The Red Elephants 3

Farm attacks are ‘inside jobs’ as employees provide detailed security information to the hit squads who commit the murders. The motivation is to steal guns, money and jewelry. Kaiser says that rape, torture and murder are pre-planned and are related to witchcraft. She explains how farmers can avoid attacks as very few arrests are made and when there is an arrest, the police are paid off to lose the dockets so there is no prosecution.


The High Stakes of the War over Syria that May Explode Worldwide

April 16, 2018 JW Williams 5

The US is involved in overthrowing the Assad regime in Syria in order to gain oil resources, keep the US dollar afloat, cripple the Russian economy, and to fight for Israel’s interests. Bankers, multinational oil companies and military contractors are the beneficiaries of the war that has killed half a million people.


US Struck Syria Before Investigators Began Investigation

April 16, 2018 InfoWars 0

The US launched airstrikes against Syria before the independent Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was able to investigate the gas attack that served as the excuse for military action, even though General Mattis said that they wanted the report to show whether a gas attack had occurred. Russia condemned the strikes as an attack on a sovereign nation and is calling for an emergency meeting at the UN.