Kat’s article includes a bill from Weather Modification International for $81,707.00 for the month of November 2022 for “Aircraft Seeding Operations”, materials and mobilization. The bill was sent to the Turlock Irrigation District. Kat said that the Tuolumne County Supervisors are clueless about chemtrails.
Mike Benz said that USAID assists the rogue activities of the CIA, Pentagon and US State Department. USAID gave $27 million to George Soros’ Tides Foundation that funded Black Lives Matter and far-left Democrat local district attorneys in cities across the US who refused to prosecute serious crimes.
Instead of passing a new Constitutional amendment to change the 14th Amendment to stop automatic citizenship of babies on US soil, even if the parents are not citizens and they are in the US illegally, Trump aims to reinterpret a clause in the amendment to no longer apply to large numbers of people that it used to.
Mass deportations have received wide support, with 66% of US citizens backing the policy in light of the border crisis created by the Biden Administration. Current projections indicate 16 million to 20 million illegals currently reside in the US, with up to 10 million entering the country in the past four years alone.
The helicopter was flying ‘dark’ near a busy airport and failed to take evasive action despite adept maneuverability. Traffic collision sensors failed. The FAA, for a decade beginning in the Obama era, has been turning away qualified applicants for air traffic control jobs because they were not diverse enough.
President Trump’s new executive order titled “Reinstating Service Members Discharged Under the Military’s COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate”, reinstated all members of the military who were fired for refusing the COVID vaccine and entitling them to “receive full back pay, benefits, bonus payments, or compensation.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders has received over $1.4 million while Sen. Elizabeth Warren has received $821,941 from drug makers. RFK’s former running partner, billionaire Nicole Shanahan, threatened Senators that if they vote against him, she will fund opposition in their next primary races to oust them from office.
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Are you interested in joining G. Edward Griffins online coalition? Are you interested in earning while educating those around you of the realties that are being rewritten or lied about? Become an affiliate today! Register Here!
Offline is a documentary on the inevitability of the Earth being slammed by a mega solar flare – not the common type that interrupts communications and creates a light show in the Northern skies – but the big brothers thousands of times more powerful. These monsters deliver enough energy to blow apart the master transformers that supply the planet’s energy grids. When that happens, the lights go out for longer than anyone wants to think about. These X-Class solar storms hit the Earth every 150 years, on average. The last one arrived 156 years ago. We are overdue (More)
Gulags were brutal labor camps used by Stalin’s Soviet dictatorship to punish “enemies of the state”, resulting in the death of more than a million people. Natacha Kennedy, a transgender lecturer at Goldsmiths, created a list of academics the student group wants to silence, and she ran a Facebook group calling for accusations of “hate crimes” to be used to silence them.
In a bid to become more inclusive, the Church of Sweden has voted to adopt a new handbook that discards masculine references to God, such as “He” and “Lord.” The Church supports same-sex marriages, has accepted a lesbian bishop, and supports removing crosses from the local Seamen’s Church in order to accommodate Muslims.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson advocates admitting gay boys to the Boy Scouts and accepting gay men and transgender men as Boy Scout leaders. Rex Tillerson also promotes the climate-change hoax and the Paris Climate Accord. Why are people from the George W. Bush administration now in the Trump administration? Did Trump make a ‘deal’ with Henry Kissinger (on behalf of Rockefeller) early in the presidential campaign?
Copyright 2024 G. Edward Griffin
Many homosexuals are born from mothers who have already birthed a straight male child. The increasing number of homosexuals in the world today may be related to biology or the immune system. That could merit a valid inquiry on human health. But why not celebrate the homosexuals with us today? Sure maybe being made to take yet another class is a hassle. I am an avid reader and attendee of yours but I feel the homosexual issues are a surprising weakness and are likely to hinder progress against collectivism. Also, you are now most commonly slandered by critics as being… Read more »
If we believe in “fairness,” don’t we need an alternative course of study? How about “The Heterosexual Lifestyle”? It seems that only LGBT issues are pushed in the schools in California. Turnabout is fair play.
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Why does so much sexual stuff need to taught at young ages? The first go around of the Common Core Curriculum (CCC) proposed teaching sex ed in 2nd grade with an assignment to go home, pleasure yourself, and come back to class and report your experience. Really? Kids have always figured out where their parts are, and what to do with them – no instruction required. A big part of the Nazi regime was to break down morality, including promoting sexual promiscuity. Teenagers were getting knocked up and proclaiming they were “having a baby for Hitler” – when at war… Read more »
[…] LGBT Classes Now Are Mandatory for Elementary School Children in California – with video & commentary by G. Edward Griffin – https://needtoknow.news/2018/01/lgbt-classes-now-mandatory-elementary-school-children-california/ […]
California ….! always first in everything — bad ………………..
State sponsored child abuse. Promotion of sexual immorality. We have gone from what you do in your own bedroom is your own business to actively promoting sexual confusion in children. Is California run by a bunch of Pedophiles?