
​Leftist Teacher Attacks Conservative Student on Campus

November 21, 2017 Campus Reform 2

Tariq Khan, a teacher at the University of Illinois, was arrested after he assaulted a student for saying to him: “Don’t you have something else to do? Don’t you have kids?” In response, Khan pretended that this statement was a threat against his children, which he then used as justification for his violence. Khan teaches classes titled ‘Constructing Race in America’ and ‘US Gender History’, and has ties to Antifa, a violent, pro-​communist group.


Texas Law Requires Businesses It Trades With to Swear Allegiance to Israel

November 21, 2017 ZeroHedge 1

Texas: HB 89 is a law that prohibits state agencies from contracting and investing with any company that boycotts Israeli products. Private businesses wanting to provide goods or services to Texas now must sign a statement swearing to place the economic benefit of a foreign nation above American citizens’ freedom-of-choice.


Wakeup Call: ​ Why Leftists Always Win

November 21, 2017 Stefan Molyneux 4

Stefan Molyneux will shock your sensibilities at several levels with this analysis of why the collectivist left always wins. (This applies to all types of collectivists – Nazis, Fascists, etc,) There is some gutter language here, but that is overshadowed by Molyneaux’s hammer blows against dignified and non-controversial opposition to the relentless, violent, and murderous collectivist left. Hear him out and judge for yourself.