GEG Commentary Seattle: Homosexual Coffee Shop Owner Denies Service to Anti-Abortion Christian Group October 9, 2017 Washington TImes 1 If a business can be forced to sell something, they don’t own it. Coercion violates the inherent right to private property.
Kakistocracy Judicial Watch Sues Robert Mueller for Russia Witch Hunt October 9, 2017 Gateway Pundit 0 President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton has called for the Mueller investigation to be shut down because it is unsupervised and unconstitutional.
Freedom Youtube Increases Censorship After Las Vegas Conspiracy Video Goes Viral October 9, 2017 ZeroHedge 1 This is yet one more step by the ruling elite to insure that nothing can challenge the narrative disseminated by mainstream media.
Kakistocracy Black Lives Matter Shut Down Free Speech Event because “Liberalism Is White Supremacy” October 9, 2017 Reason 1 The purpose of the theater is to condition the American people to accept, by way of the internet and TV, that martial law as inevitable.