Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6-12 Year Old US Children
In a development that autism parents have long anticipated, the first-ever, peer-reviewed study comparing total health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children was released on line yesterday. According to sources close to the project, the study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, both of which pulled back on their approval once the political implications of the findings became clear. That’s largely because, as parents have long expected, the rate of autism is significantly higher in the vaccinated group, a finding that could shake vaccine safety claims just as the first president who has ever stated a belief in a link between vaccines and autism has taken office.
Working in partnership with the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and a range of over 40 acute and chronic illnesses in home schooled children, a population chosen for its high proportion of unvaccinated children. Surveying families in four states–Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon—the study (officially titled Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports), reported a number of startling findings.
Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder: most notably, the risk of being affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was 4.7 fold higher in vaccinated children; as well, ADHD risk was 4.7 fold higher and learning disability risk was 3.7 fold higher. Overall, the vaccinated children in the study were 3.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with some kind of neurodevelopmental disorder.
Vaccinated children were also significantly more likely to be diagnosed with an immune-related disorder. The risk of allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) was over 30 times higher in vaccinated children, while the risk of other allergies was increased 3.9 fold and the eczema risk was increased 2.4 fold.
With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising. As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis. Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.
The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, “nonbiased and neutrally worded.”
These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent. Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.
The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism’s sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the “vax/unvax” study. Public health officials such as Paul Offit have resisted these calls with claims that a comparative study of autism risk and other health outcomes in unvaccinated and vaccinated children would be retrospectively impossible and prospectively unethical.
Despite opposition from those like Offit, attempts to launch a formal vax/unvax study have been made for many years. In 2006, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D, NY) authored what is now called Vaccine Safety Study Act. Said Maloney to the opponents, “Maybe someone in the medical establishment will show me why this study is a bad idea, but they haven’t done it yet.” In 2007, Generation Rescue (one of the Mawson study’s sponsors) retained a market research firm to undertake a similar survey (it is available on line and had similar findings but was never published in a scientific journal).
Less formal surveys focused on whether or not autism was present in the unvaccinated have also been undertaken in unusual populations, including the Amish and the patients of alternative health practitioners. Age of Autism founder Dan Olmsted investigated autism in the Amish, who vaccinate less frequently. Autism is rare among the Amish and the only autistic Amish children we discovered were also vaccinated. (Others reported cases in Amish children with birth defects, but not “idiopathic autism,” the kind that occurs in otherwise typical children who are the heart of the current epidemic). The late Mayer Eisenstein reported in his HomeFirst practice in Chicago that he delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them were never vaccinated. Of these unvaccinated children, none had autism.
The link between autism and vaccination became a hot topic in this year’s presidential election. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton once tweeted ““The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest.” In contrast, President Donald Trump has long been outspoken about the likely connection between vaccines and autism. As early as 2007, Trump remarked, “When I was growing up, autism wasn’t really a factor. And now all of a sudden, it’s an epidemic. Everybody has their theory, and my theory is the shots. They’re getting these massive injections at one time. I think it’s the vaccinations.”
This study was pulled by the publisher. http://retractionwatch.com/2016/11/28/study-linking-vaccines-autism-pulled-frontiers-following-heavy-criticism/
Although I think indeed there is a vaccine link to health problems, “Need to Know News” should be extra careful these days to do it’s due diligence of research before posting articles. At least acknowledge the retraction so readers don’t forward this article blindly to our friends and get reprimands for spreading Fake News.
Hello Jay: If you read the first paragraph of the article, it states that the study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, but they pulled support, presumably due to the implication that vaccines are unsafe and linked to autism. If you had clicked on the link for the original article, you would have found that the study has been officially published in a peer reviewed journal, The Journal Translational Science. In your criticism, you linked to Retraction Watch, an organization that is funded by the MacArthur Foundation, which supports the vaccine industry. Furthermore, this is the first… Read more »
The Journal of Translational Science has also now retracted. I cannot explain these retractions. The journal says it will provide an explanation shortly
Sayer Ji of Green Med Info is covering the “retraction” story from Retraction Watch and he says that the site is perpetuating falsehoods by saying that “one of the studies had been retracted by another journal, when it had never been officially accepted. They compounded the falsehood by claiming the paper had been retracted a second time, when it had simply been temporarily removed pending a response from the author to the false allegation.” http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=7f494613c5ad4db1b93e647ad&id=8aebb06ef5&e= The suppression of this information reminds me of the Seralini GMO study on rats, linking GMOs/ glyphosate to cancer. The study was retracted but then… Read more »
I think you and Sayer Ji are splitting hairs. Frontiers in Public Health had provisionally accepted the paper and published the abstract on their web site. They then later announced that they were “reopening the review” of the paper, with the result that they removed the abstract and never officially “published” the paper. So while it may be technically accurate that the paper has only been officially retracted from one journal, I would hardly consider being rejected by a low-impact journal like Frontiers In Public Health a ringing endorsement of the paper. And yes, the paper has been formally retracted… Read more »
Yes and look at the blackballing they’ve done to Evee’s mother: the medical examiner was obviously compromised and leaned on so that she refused to turn over Evee’s brain and medulla to Evee’s mother. Why??? There is obviously something to hide. I encourage everyone to go to the site “Justice for Evee” and hear her story. These people play dirty.
Actually, the study had only been “provisionally accepted” and was not considered published prior to being retracted by Frontiers in Public Health. Funding for retractionwatch.com is completely irrelevant. They don’t retract the papers themselves–they only report on papers that were retracted by the publishers. But I notice you failed to question the funding for the study itself: Generation Rescue, an organization founded by anti-vaccine activist J.B. Handley. And there have been many studies done that compare the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations: 1) German study on lower rates of asthma among the vaccinated http://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(13)01860-5/abstract 2) Another German study: prevalence… Read more »
You criticise the credibility of Retraction Watch based on their supposed ties instead of the actual information there (ad hominem), while at the same time supporting a fake study with laughable methodology conducted and funded by a known antivaxx campaigner with blatantly-obvious bias. I’m not even mad, I’m actually impressed.
JWW, Need To Know staff Hello Henry: Can you explain the fraud in the scientific community the led to Dr. William Thompson at the CDC blowing the whistle on their “doctored” vaccine- autism link study? Can you justify the existence of ‘Vaccine Courts’ that prevent vaccine-injured people from seeking justice in a normal court under the rule of law, instead of a biased court? Ever since vaccine manufacturers were granted “immunity’ by Congress through the Vaccine Courts in the mid-1980s, the number of required vaccines has risen from 10 doses of 3 vaccines in 1983 to almost 5 times that… Read more »
Let’s take these one at a time. 1) There was no “fraud” or “cover-up.” The complete data set for the study was and continues to be available for further study. Brian Hooker used that data to perform a statistically invalid analysis to “uncover” a link between MMR and autism in one tiny subset of the population. His analysis was so bad that that article was retracted as well. 2) The vaccine court serves two purposes. First, it allows easy access for anyone with a vaccine injury claim to seek compensation. The burden of proof is MUCH lower in vaccine court… Read more »
Kevin, here are the facts: 1. Dr. William Thompson admits to the fraud at the CDC and destroying evidence – readers can visit this link to hear his own words over the phone with Brian Hooker, so that they can decide for themselves who is telling the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg2M7nphmFw Congress has refused to investigate the scandal, despite Congressman Bill Posey’s testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68AYtcwg9rw 2. ‘Vaccine Court’ is a kangaroo court. Here is an article from an Associated Press investigation that admits, “Lawmakers designed vaccine court to favor payouts, but the government fights legitimate claims and fails its obligation to publicize the… Read more »
I would hardly consider Brian Hooker’s heavily edited wiretaps to be compelling evidence. No data was destroyed–the complete data set is still available to anyone who wishes to analyze it further. That’s how Hooker was able to butcher the data to arrive at his spurious conclusions. There was no clandestine or secret source for the data–he simply asked for it. The only thing destroyed were unneeded paper copies of the data and the reports. Everything still exists as computer files–and once again, available to any researcher who requests it. Congress has not followed up on this because as a body,… Read more »
That’s where you’re wrong, Kevin… Dr. William Thompson of the CDC admitted in phone calls with Brian Hooker that the CDC was throwing evidence into the garbage. Here is William Thompson’s WRITTEN statement that was published through his lawyer, Richard Morgan: “I regret my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data was collected, and I believe that the… Read more »
truth read what is in these vaccines and decide for yourselves if you want that in your body…I do not and that is my choice. there are doctors, scientists, etc out there who will always push vaccines and claim everyone else is spreading lies….sorry I am not buying I have seen many cure themselves from cancer and many other autoimmune problems. vaccines are dangerous period look at what is in them . not all bodies react the same to this crap.its all a crap shoot that is justified imo!
* This ANTI-VAXER study proves Home Schooling is a safe environment to raise your children.
* The study did not consider that:
* Home schooled children are not exposed to diseases rampant in public classrooms.
* And the more exposure and sickly one is — the more it affects the total system–including neurological–and this will even shorten your life.
[…] via First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a H… […]
So how does Minneapolis deal with 41+ cases of measles?
People safely and smoothly recover from measles and other common illnesses by using time tested naturopathic health practices, proper diet, rest, nutrients, herbs, etc. Complications usually arise when people mistreat the illness, such as using fever-suppressing drugs. The people are getting measles due to stress and poor nutrition. Most of those who get measles in America in the modern era are people who were vaccinated. Give people the resources to address the real causes rather than damaging their immune systems with vaccines.
Jed, you completely failed to answer Paul’s question and your non-response is just plain wrong. Patsy Stinchfield is the director for infection control at Children’s Minnesota Hospital. “I just finished doing rounds on these children and they are miserable. They’re in the hospital, they have IV’s, they’re not drinking, they have terrible coughs, some have pneumonia,” Stinchfield said. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2017/05/09/measles-50/ MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — The number of people with measles in Minnesota has now grown to 50. The Minnesota Department of Health says only three of the people with the virus received the MMR vaccine http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2017/05/09/measles-50/ So, 47 out of 50 are… Read more »
I have a question for you. which is worse, measles or autism? and his comment wasn’t a non answer, it just wasn’t the one you wanted. treatment for measles are already available. you people akt as if these people were condemned to die; they are not.
I’m afraid I disagree with you. The question was “So how does Minneapolis deal with 41+ (now over 50) cases of measles?” The response was a rambling sequence of misinformation: “People are getting measles from stress and poor nutrition.” WRONG. People are getting measles because they are being exposed to the measles virus without immunity. “Most of those who get measles in America in the modern era are people who were vaccinated.” WRONG AGAIN. 47 out of 50 in the current outbreak are unvaccinated. 60% of the people infected during the Disneyland outbreak were unvaccinated, and most of those that… Read more »
“Measles can cause pregnant women to deliver prematurely and/or cause low birth weight. About 1 in 1000 develop encephalitis, and 1-2 per 1000 will die.” Not in the USA not in 2017. http://www.cdc.gov/measles/images/measles-cases-616px.png Notice all the cases, about 150/year in a country of 330 MILLION. Notice all the deaths NONE in over 15 years. Thousands of children have died from the MMR and millions entered into Autism and neurodegeneration by the MMR and “vaccination” IMO. As Phil would say “What are we nuts?” Suppose you had a mild case of the flu and went to a doc and he said… Read more »
You’re wrong about measles deaths. There was one confirmed death from measles in 2003 and another in 2015. In addition, there have been at least 10 other deaths in which measles was listed as a cause on the death certificate. However, for various reasons, these other cases have not gone through the CDC’s rigorous verification process to be declared “confirmed.” “On average, about one death occurs each year that is a result of measles, usually in an immune-compromised person in their 30s,” said Andrew Noymer, associate professor of public health at UC Irvine and study infectious disease mortality. Autopsies are… Read more »
Kevin you are an ignorant troll. Who’s paying you? Go back to your mommy’s basement where you belong. NO ONE like you! Yawn!
Hi, John. I’m happy to refute misinformation and present facts supported by legitimate, peer-reviewed science at no charge.
It’s payment enough to see members of the anti-science crowd, like yourself, abandon all pretense of logic, reason, and civility, and show the world their true colors.
Please document these deaths. Thanks
Do you have any proof at all for your claims that “thousands of children have died from the MMR and millions entered into Autism and neurodegeneration by the MMR and ‘vaccination’?” The website you linked to does not constitute proof. The very first sentence on the page is wrong completely wrong. Only one person out of 110 California residents was known to be fully vaccinated. One other was sero-positive, meaning they had been vaccinated or and previously contracted measles. 45% were unvaccinated and 11% were only partially vaccinated, and 43% had unknown or undocumented vaccination status. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6406a5.htm So in those… Read more »
“Only one person out of 110 California residents was known to be fully vaccinated.” Since the CDC tells us 97% or so of all Children are schedule “compliant” we can assume most of “unknown status” are “vaccinated” for the MMR and everything else under the sun. The California fiasco was IMO another engineered ploy to introduce the California FORCED VACCINATION laws which followed soon after. “Has there been any laboratory confirmation of even one case of the supposed measles related to Disneyland? If yes, was the confirmed case tested to determine whether it was wild-type measles or vaccine-strain measles? If… Read more »
Well my son died in his mothers arms 3 days after a wellness visit and MMR. We had some good paramedics that got his heart and breathing back. When I confronted our pediatrician he said he would no longer see us. Since none of our family has been back to any quacks. He is recovering. Vaccinations are unnecessary and risky. Never Again! My son has 2 cousins that both went autistic after shots. So anyone that promotes this is a criminal.
Don’t allow mass amounts of refugees to flood Minneapolis from third world countries who would love nothing more than to cause an epidemic. Measles aren’t a huge concern. What is a huge concern is the mandatory vaccine schedule we are gravitating towards. At least you can recognize this no? And if we were understanding what the plans are by the social engineers and those in power, this would be a huge red flag. But for many (not sure where you stand) it seems they either are complicit or not aware. Which is IMO a pre requisite for understanding the vaccine… Read more »
Kevin, The hospital gives those kids what their bodies need! Not sugar and genetically modified food among other things. Then they could give intraveneous vitamin c. Proven to heal most vaccinated for diseases. If you want to learn how these kids could heal very quickly, look up Dr Levy and vitamin on Youtube. He talks about all the studies using vitamin c. You want to help these kids, share that vidoe with those nurses in Minnesota!
So once again We see the coverup of a study that unambiguously shows the “most profoundly beneficial medicine of the 20th century” is severely and grossly damaging the poor souls injected with the poisoned needle. Naturally the “science” is flawed. Here is how the CDC runs pure science. “A current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) senior scientist has made an unprecedented admission: he and his colleagues–he says– committed scientific misconduct to cover up a meaningful link between vaccines and autism in black boys. Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to… Read more »
Ok, so an infamous antivaxxer funds and conducts a telephonic survey to homeschooler mommies, doesn’t consult a single medical record of any of the children in question, gets it “peer reviewed” by a chiropractor, published (then retracted) by TWO predatory faux journals and you’re calling this legit?
Folks, that’s not how this works.
The problem is when all scientific studies are conducted by the state or often universities they will cut funding if the findings are not what they want. Most peer review journals are the same. They like the outcome of the summary and they publish it, often without reading it. If they realize it doesn’t coincide with the needed narrative, of coarse they will retract.
My 87 year old neighbor told me he never saw ONE case of autism, that kids were healthy in his day.
Maybe because in his day, children with neurological disorders were locked away.
Yes this is true. I am 78 and remember well the onset of MANY strange “diseases” that just happened to occur simultaneously and dose dependent with the massive increases in “vaccination”. Not just Autism but SIDS, all sorts of Neurodevelopmental Diseases, pervasive developmental disorder, ADHD, Allergies, Asthma and on and on. Of course association is not proof of cause but to anyone with a brain it is reason to QUESTION. You would assume an organization with many hundreds of PhDs had a few brains in management. Note the problems with the CDC are NOT usually with the CDC workers. I… Read more »
Great information. Are all vaccines the same throughout the world? Seems studies showing safety are from Germany, Finland, etc. And of course not all people are genetically equal. Autistic children have some common weaknesses- poor methylation or ability to detox, low vit D (vitamindcouncil.org) with similar result, illness during vaccination, and of course several vaccines at once with potential variation of toxins statistically being at the maximum for these unlucky children. Rarely is it one cause. And Aluminum is the one toxin poorly researched but linked over the decades to brain issues. It is a highly active adjuvant used in… Read more »
[…] linking three excellent reads. The first was written by Mark Blaxill. Titled First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a H… Blaxill provides the reader with a well-researched piece of journalism. A must read for those with […]
Yes, the academics already discredited Andrew Wakefield in the UK years ago whose studies found a link between vaccines and autism. The pharmaceutical industry just does not want this to be the case. Instead of stooping to slagging, detractors need to accept the FACT that many parents are coming forward and saying their child was perfectly fine until, very shortly after having their child vaccinated, their child became autistic. People don’t just make this stuff up. It’s real and very upsetting, distressing, and devastating for people to have this happen to a little child. Their systems just cannot handle the… Read more »
[…] First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism https://needtoknow.news/2017/05/first-ever-peer-reviewed-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-children-s… […]
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[…] Informations on that Topic: needtoknow.news/2017/05/first-ever-peer-reviewed-study-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-children-shows-vaccinated-kids-higher-rate-sickness-470-increase-autism/ […]
Regardless of whether you believe the results of this peer review or not. The fact of the matter is that the study shows that there may be a link between vaccines and poor health in children. Ergo, it would be prudent for big pharma now to come out and do a concise study of the efficacy of vaccinations and their effect on health in children. To not do so would be an admission of guilt on the part of big pharma. The ball is in your court and it’s long overdue!
What about Amish children? They are never vaccinated. Do they have an Autism epidemic?
[…] First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a H… […]
I want to see this on the mainstream media.
This study has been attacked and ignored, but not retracted.. Pharma cabal has a long sordid history of suppressing evidence.. the fools who still cling to their tobacco science and pretend that the shocking rise in childhood health problems is a “mystery” are all complicit in crimes against humanity. the results of this study have been corroborated many, many times over and I personally see the dramatic difference every single day of my life. Any honest person will see the difference.. “I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation… Read more »
Rule number one Who funded the study?
David Griffin, sorry that you missed out on getting to stay in an iron for years. Oh, hell, you also missed out on SMALLPOX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplA6pq9cOs
Vaccine court settlements are in the $$$ ??? any one have some numbers if they were safe why is there settlements and a Vaccine court 4 billion and counting feel free to read up on Read Actual Federal Vaccine Court Case Compensation Decisions https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html
[…] First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a H… […]
I was vaccinated as a child in the mid-1950s against Polio and Small Pox and have not contracted either disease. Don’t know if I have ADD but did make it through college. I would like to see the statistics of people who contracted these diseases before vaccines were available and after they became available. Did the American Indians die of Small Pox and would they have survived had they been able to freely choose to be vaccinated and done so. Freedom to choose, free will, is a gift from Jehovah God and no one has the right to use force… Read more »
“These findings in a study population of 666 children”
Nice try, bogus study
vaccines are dangerous and are used to control the population. I never had them my parents did not agree to them. stop letting others tell you what is good and not good for you and your children. start building immune systems naturally…it works. stop eating processed foods, sugar and start educating yourselves and stop relying on doctors to tell you what you need. take responsibility!
I do not think the sample used for the study here is sound. This is a snapshot of a very particular group who do not represent the population at large, It would make more sense to follow a random sample group from the whole population who were born in the same week or month, and then follow them through their first few years, The actual decision to vaccinate or not would then also be suitably represented from a normal population sample as this is a variant as well. This study is statistically unsound
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