Radio show host Josh Tolley interviewed an unidentified American woman from Missouri who learned about her state’s refugee immigration program by attending UN-sponsored meetings and participating in the programs. She said that refugees are brought into the US in alliance with the UN Refugee Resettlement Organization Offices of Refugee Monitoring out of Washington, DC. In her state, Missouri Social Services administers the refugee programs that provide welfare for housing, food stamps, and medicare, in addition to cash and jobs.
The refugees receive US passports and Social Security numbers so they can receive Social Security benefits. They are screened and, where possible, encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under Social Security.
Many refugees are allowed into the US who have communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox.
The woman reported that there is ZERO vetting of refugees and that most are “FUNUs” which is an acronym for ‘full name unknown’. Most of them are males aged 15 to 45 instead of women and children.
Are you interested in joining G. Edward Griffins online coalition? Are you interested in earning while educating those around you of the realties that are being rewritten or lied about? Become an affiliate today! Register Here!
She said that Trump reduced the number of refugees from Obama’s proposed 110,000 down to 50,000. From October 2016 through February 2017, the US had taken in 34,000. Democrats are not the only supporters of increased refugee immigration. Paul Ryan advocated bringing in 300,000 refugees.
The refugees usually are transported for settlement in the dead of night, not because of the lower air fares, but because that avoids being seen by large crowds at airports.
The federal government is secretive about how many refugees are being resettled in the US, and many governors are totally unaware of how many are in their states. The governors of Texas and Tennessee have refused to accept any more refugees and now are being sued by the US government.
The Wilson-Fish program allows the US government to circumvent state sovereignty in refugee resettlement by funding third-party organizations. She mentioned several third-party organizations that benefit from taxpayer money in this way. They include the Jewish Vocational Services (which also uses the name Jewish Technical Services), Catholic Charities, and Lutheran organizations. They receive $2500 to process each refugee plus block grants to staff offices. She said she believed they are making huge amounts of money above their costs..
Her closing comment was that she believes the refugees are a tool of invasion used by the United Nations under Agenda 2030 to remove national borders. If the UN officially recognizes a group of refugees, then UN ‘Peacekeeper’ soldiers may be placed wherever the refugees are located. She said that there have been sightings of UN trucks in her state. She also said that there is a scheme to remove county sheriffs in order to implement total UN authority in local areas.
She ended the interview by exhorting people to get involved locally to learn what is going on in their communities, to read about their states’ refugee programs on their Social Services websites, and then to meet with local and state lawmakers to stop this covert UN scheme for destruction.
[…] ___ https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
Verify, verify, verify!!! So what’s the woman’s name and what are her credentials. Can’t trust anyone in the media these days without being able to verify. If I can’t verify, it’s just more fake news in my mind.
I have asked my Missouri congressional representatives about this situation and they have declined to respond.
well that speaks for itself doesn’t it.
Lololol. Been going on long time No one needs someone claiming to be a whistle blower to say it . It is clear to those who have eyes to see . Even the False church of Catholicism (Revelation 17) cheering it from the pope on down
Frankly, the key to prevailing in deviate is to determine the terms of the debate. The article is supposedly about the woman telling what she learned of her state’s refugee immigration program. First of all, wouldn’t a real refugee program tend to serve a population overwhelmingly made up of the most vulnerable victims of war, women and children, and the aged? Yet, suspiciously the ‘refugees” that are chosen to come in are overwhelmingly males 15-45, seemingly the demographic most likely to be involved in the violence and destruction which has been unleashed in their homeland. Why on earth would they… Read more »
Get the U.S. OUT of the U.N.!
And the UN out of the US!!
Why do think the Brits exited.
They own the USA
If anyone doesnt believe that the USA is owned by yhe Brits, then please educate yourselves.
Read dont latch onto regurgitated false rhetoric along a grapevine of retarded sheeple babies
Okay. So, the Brits own us. Where is your proof and evidence of a fantastic statement? I’ll be waiting.
John Perkins [CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN] has identified Wall Street as working to own the U.S. Where do you get it that Britain owns the U.S.?
If we are not owned by them then WHY do we pay them tons of money thru Chicago every year to the Queen? Hmmmmmm?
The way I recall it, David Rockefeller donated the land for the UN building in Manhattan. Should we be suspicious of Wall Street and their intentions as John Perkins has identified? Ref. https://thedailycoin.org/2019/10/12/from-feudalism-to-freedom-to/
Rockefeller donated the land which was a FORMER LARGE SLAUGHTER HOUSE. He made quite a Tax write off for this ‘donation’…the land was over inflated and he made a bundle on this transaction.. The land the UN is on is literally drenched in blood and that had a great appeal to the UN Jews who took the land knowing that this is the perfect spot for sacrifices… The headquarters of the United Nations occupies a site beside the East River between 42nd and 48th Streets, on 18 acres of land purchased from the real estate developer William Zeckendorf Sr. At… Read more »
NO!! WRONG!!! Do you really want the UN to take over the whole world, like this story threatens? Because our withdrawal from the UN will have EXACTLY those consequences.
No so, we’re not answering to anyone..
Don’t you mean throw the UN the hell out of the USA? They are strategically based in NYC…..
Freedom requires eternal vigilance.
How very true. The luxury of apathy has no place in today’s world.
[…] Original article […]
[…] https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
This needs to be stopped now.
Argument-The UN produces nothing and accomplishes nothing. It’s delegates earn huge sums and live in luxury at the expense of taxpayers. They are parasites and the UN should be shut down.
Get the U.S. out of the U.N/ and get the U.N. out of the U.S. TODAY!!! if not sooner….
And they sit in their ivory towers orchestrating more human sacrifices i.e. war in any country they choose.
Who is she? We see her face, why no name?
Jill Noble I think.
She is not informed about how TB HIV or leprosy is transmitted.
[…] UN is planning massive refugee invasion of the United States under Agenda 2030. Jewish, Catholic, and Lutheran organizations benefit financially from refugee resettlement. […]
[…] https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
[…] https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
[…] https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
If you expect us to read your stuff, get rid of that silly SHARE strip on the left that blocks too many words.
There is a tiny arrow underneath he column of icons that you can click on to make the icons magically disappear.
JWW, Need To Know staff
UN Planned Invasion is currently underway and being supported by the Federal Government and the UN. Wake Up America. The Communists/Muslims/New World Order are actively trying to destroy this Country. Drain the Swamp of all Federal officials who are betraying and dishonoring the United States Constitution.
Great idea but you and I know that they will just replace this slime with more DEI hires who are illiterate and Communist leaning.
[…] A Missouri woman interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program described how the UN is planning immigration into the US as in Europe, to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation, says G. Edward Griffin, https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
I can say with absolute certainty that no one coming into our country has smallpox. It was eradicated years ago. No credibility.
Smallpox still lives… in vials in various labs. Don’t be foolish thinking it couldn’t be a BIG problem again!
Smallpox exists only in two BSL4 (Bio Safety Level 4 – used for the most dangerous diseases) sites in the world – one in Russia and the other in the United States. It is not available outside of those two sites.
Around 10 years ago in Minnesota polio popped up. Never say never.
See Couden Plan,Israel Project .
Is she still alive ?
I re-posted this on my facebook page and got slammed, contending that it is fake news. Is there a way to verify this information? And it doesn’t help that she is unnamed.
Google the website, they will tell you if they are associated with reporting fake stories. And media bias fact check says this page is fake news and all conspiracies.
One huge red flag is the claim the refugees are bringing smallpox into the country. The last case of smallpox was diagnosed in 1977 and it was declared eradicated in 1980.
Here in PA they are shutting down Public Shooting ranges due to the fact that Refugees/migrants are spending all day at them shooting. Firearms are being supplied (not given) by legal U.S. Citizens so no laws are actually being broken. However Federal authorities are seeing a growing problem.
This is a un sponsored invasion of the US… An act of war. We should get out of the UN(that would kill most of their funding) and expel them from the US
The UN is a global crime syndicate as evidenced by what is happening in Europe where the muslime invasion threatens the very existence of Europe as a free, sovereign, basically Christian continent. Anyone who is honest and reads the koran (may pig feces be upon it) must admit that islam is not a religion but a satanic death cult intent on subjugating the entire world to the sword of islam. The doctrine of islam, which is anything but peaceful, gives non believers the option to convert to islam, become a slave and pay a tax to live, or be murdered,… Read more »
The UN is owned/run by the jews. It was formed supposedly to help Israel become a state….
it took me 8 years before i got my disability and i proved time and time agian i could not work and the judges kept denying me, i don’t and never did drugs nor drink, but when i finally got on it the judge refused to give me the back pay for this 8 years even tho i’ve had this since i started the process and had to figure out and ask for help to pay my bills from my brother and son yet these people are given it so they don’t have to go out and learn our language… Read more »
I worked as a paralegal at a Disability attorney’s ofice. To get Disability is almost impossible then and now. The only thing that really works is to get letters from your doctor stating that they dont want you to work. We had one lady who was dying of AIDS and they kept denying her over and over. She finally got her approval and back pay and promptly died 2 months later. To deny you your back pay was wrong. I never heard of this. I would suggest you SUE to get you back pay. It’s in their literature that you… Read more »
This is very important discussion, can you extend an olive branch to Africa Kenya to stand with the total orphans?
First of all, this story is two years old. Second, it conveniently fails to mention why this cannot happen, just like every other scare-story about the threat from the UN, which cannot even find water in the middle of the ruddy ocean. So, folks, here it is in a nutshell: People, there is something that I’ve noticed that virtually all of you fail to grasp. Since it’s very likely that none of you was given schooling on the history and operating procedures of the UN in civics class in grade school, I will educate you all right now–and hopefully end… Read more »
Didn’t George H Bush do just that with agenda 21, now called agenda 2030?
We also have to watch out for some RINOs that are no different from most Democrats. Senator Jesse Helms fought to keep our sovereignty against the Law of the Seas Treaty that gave control of our Coast to the UN. These traitors have been at the task of destroying national sovereignty for decades.
The states take their power back by refusing to cooperate at all. The federal government must have the cooperation of the state entities. Catholic Charities and the Jewish outfit must stop receiving these invaders. Good grief.
[…] 16 April 2017: NeedToKnow.news, Josh Tolley Show writes: “Whistleblower Reveals That A Un-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway” […]
[…] 16 April 2017: NeedToKnow.news, Josh Tolley Show writes: “Whistleblower Reveals That A Un-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway” […]
The interview is neither factually accurate nor does it meet the standard of educated conversation. There were so many inaccurate statements in this interview – historically, legally, and medically – it lost all credibility by the close of the interview. From how the individuals are processed, vetted legally and medically by the CDC to how they are vaccinated, the guest is not making factually accurate statements. I don’t dispute her ability to speak as a citizen nor her rights to hold opinions. As much as she believes her statements to be true, I defend her right to speak. However, she… Read more »
This is Agenda 21
It is past time that the USA withdrew from the U.N. and eject them from our country!
Page 120 of None dare call it Treason :
Look at immigration comment.
historically, legally, and medically – it lost all credibility by the close of the interview.
Why would fighting age young men ever be considered Refugees? Ive been saying for years that this is a Troop Movement! No more Refugees. George Soros, Obama and the Clintons are the head of this Conspiracy!
Of course they are….they are ALL Communists to he bone.
The nonsense this article claims is truth, was created to cover the real story. For decades the US has ensured that the Middle East is awash with refugees. The closest succour these poor people have is Europe. The refugee problem in Europe was Made in America! The refugee problem at the American Southern border was also Made in America after many decades of American interference in the internal affairs of its Southern neighbours. Just ask Hondurans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, Chileans, Brazilians etc,.etc. Whatever the US suffers now is its own da**ed fault.
[…] – https://www.un.org/en/ga/contributions/honourroll.shtml – https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=2Ex7Zmid-xQ – https://www.jagranjosh.com/general-knowledge/list-of-secretaries-general-of-the-united-nations-1364197187-1 – http://www.faqs.org/espionage/Ul-Vo/United-Nations-Security-Council.html – http://www.faqs.org/espionage/Ul-Vo/United-Nations-Security-Council.html#ixzz638HRDOrS – http://constitutionus.com/ – https://needtoknow.news/2017/04/whistleblower-reveals-un-planned-invasion-refugees-us-already-underw… […]
lovely one amazing
So Trump lowered the number of them coming in, but the numbers are still in the many thousands. And so, this lady said all the awful things about these refugees, that their getting all this free stuff, their all abusing the system, and most of the people that bring them in from the one at the airport, to the last one who does the last paperwork, and has that refugee set up somewhere, these are the ones that are showing these refugees HOW to abuse the system. But Trump doesn’t care. So, if Trump knows, that their getting a FREE… Read more »
Verify, verify, verify!!! So what’s the woman’s name and what are her credentials. Can’t trust anyone in the media these days without being able to verify. If I can’t verify, it’s just more fake news in my mind.
The link in the article doesn’t work. See https://dss.mo.gov/fsd/pdf/missouri-refugee-resettlement-program-state-plan.pdf
I have asked my Missouri congressional representatives about this situation and they have declined to respond.
The refugees usually are transported for settlement in the dead of night, not because of the lower air fares, but because that avoids being seen by large crowds at airports.
I hear big prop jobs flying over my NE Ohio home all the time at night…3AM 4AM….
nice one
nice one great post
There is NO Health Freedom without Informed, Voluntary Consent. There is no informed consent without education and understanding.
U.S. Politicians Are ALL TRAITORS
Illegal aliens are BIG business and all NGO’s, churches, etc are in this for the MONEY…period. And there is an endless supply of these cockroaches now.