
CIA Capable Of Cyber ‘False Flag’ To Frame Russia As Hacker

Wikileaks Vault 7 documents show that the CIA has the capability, and the express intention, of replacing the “fingerprint” of cyber-attacks it conducts with another entity to create a false flag. Therefore, the CIA’s alleged evidence that Russia hacked the US election, or anything else for that matter, should be reconsidered in light of this information.


Study: Vaccinated Children Have 700% Higher Chance Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

A new vaccine study was censored on the internet six hours after it was posted online because the data indicated that unvaccinated children were healthier. The study polled mothers who homeschool their children, with 39% of them opting out of vaccines. The data indicated that the vaccinated children had a 700% increase in being diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD), including a 2-fold increase in autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, a 2-fold increase in ADHD diagnosis and a 2-fold increase in learning disabilities.